Trump and those close to him continue to insinuate and posture as if Trump will be returning before 2024....
🧠 Clandestine🕳️
I did an in-depth break down on this a week ago. I cover the tactical, optical, and psychological advantages to having a “redo election”, and Trump continues to hint at it.
Many want an immediate reversal of 2020, but the most effective path would be a redo election. The normies have to see that Trump supporters are the overwhelming majority....
- Clandestine
There cannot be a redo. It would violate the Constitution, which he swore to uphold.
It can only be reversed by showing election fraud and having the Electoral College electors re-assigned and vote with the correct electors.
I expect this to happen some time after 1/21/2023.
Now that I think about it, maybe Trump means by "redo" a new vote by the electors, and not re-running the entire election. That would actually make sense.