If they can't chip everyone, they will still catalog everyone as much as possible. "AI" still isn't really intelligent but very good at pattern identification, within the parameters humans direct them towards.
And we see the development of this everywhere.
London streets https://greatawakening.win/p/15JTyXRl4A/london-installs-chinese-facial-r/c/
Florida police https://www.govtech.com/public-safety/boca-raton-fla-police-to-join-facial-recognition-program
European supermarkets plus https://greatawakening.win/p/15IrZ236wf/legal-complaint-filed-against-co/c/ https://expose-news.com/2022/08/01/legal-complaint-filed-against-co-ops-facial-recognition/
Mastercard (Russel Brand explainer) https://youtu.be/-i_LF543fB4
Airlines https://www.timesaerospace.aero/sites/aerospace/times/files/magazines/2022/arabian-aerospace-vol-14-issue-3/html5forwebkit.html (use toc or thumbnails menu to go to page 40)
Of course your data still isn't secure- https://www.businessinsider.com/trust-stamp-ice-data-breach-facial-recognition-contractor-demo-app-2022-5
And of course the tech is Chinese but the HK folk have their own ideas- https://greatawakening.win/p/15HuoEM8uH/hong-kong-people-are-cutting-dow/c/
Thoughts? Ideas?
I had an online bank account which I didn't use for a long time and the bank inactivated it with out asking. They then demanded I go to a third party credit rating agency and submit my drivers licence and a selfie for facial recognition before they would close the account and transfer funds. They said it was because of money laundering.
I said no way. I said that there was no way I would send my biometric data to a third party who I didn't trust and they shouldn't require me to.I told them that giving away my biometric data make it available for government and big business abuse.
They said that it was they system Experian (credit scroe company uses so I should trust them) Ha! I said I didn't.
After a month or so, they came up with an alternative suggestion that I send a notorised copy of my drivers licence and a utility bill for the bank's records and not to be passed to a third party. I did this at my own personal cost. I don't know if they have transferred the funds yet.
I wish everyone would try to resist this biometric data theft. Governments and corporations are not to be trusted with this data, they will abuse it. You can't stop them once you have given them the data.