Are people awake? If not then reset again and try more extreme storyline. Did you talk to everyone openly about the child sacrifice stuff everywhere?
If not then you aren’t part of the solution. Also tell me what you know about frequency from previous life and how that affects the soul’s reincarnation frequency?
tell me what you know about frequency from previous life and how that affects the soul’s reincarnation frequency
I know people can believe in a lot of unprovable, fanciful, woo woo stuff like "reincarnation frequency" and pretend to be on a higher consciousness level than everyone else, presumably because it makes them feel superior...while actually sporting a fairly low-energy, rather abrasively judgmental prickly-pear persona.
While you're mind reading, pray tell...what level?
The level where the murdering and torturing of children make for a great movie?
This ought to be good.
Are people awake? If not then reset again and try more extreme storyline. Did you talk to everyone openly about the child sacrifice stuff everywhere?
If not then you aren’t part of the solution. Also tell me what you know about frequency from previous life and how that affects the soul’s reincarnation frequency?
I know people can believe in a lot of unprovable, fanciful, woo woo stuff like "reincarnation frequency" and pretend to be on a higher consciousness level than everyone else, presumably because it makes them feel superior...while actually sporting a fairly low-energy, rather abrasively judgmental prickly-pear persona.