I don’t watch Tim Pool much but this one caught my eye, of course living in California. Sorry for the FluffTube link but Tim Pool does his show from FluffTube. But starting at about 15-16 min in on his alternate TimCast Channel, Tim and his panel have a very strong discussion about the importance of Prepping, and California’s Gov. NewScum continuing to model his idiocy for the rest of America. Tim’s panel gets deep into prepping importance, why, and how California may be the first State to have a taste of true apocalypse or Civil War, possibly caused by the Democrats electrical grid decisions/policies. Again from minute 15-16 in for about the next following 30min just an awesome episode today! It’s an argument for any Anon in the US and world-wide to listen too, if you live in the city vs., the country, and are controlled by modern Liberal buffoons! Enjoy.
TimCast/Tim Pool Having A Great Show On Prepping, & California’s Energy/NewScum Choices!
⚠️ Lib-TYRANNY ☠️
Move. If you’re a pede you’re welcome in my state, AZ.
Congrats! You’re about to hit the jackpot with Kari Lake as your new governor