If you own shares it is your right to vote; you can call fidelity to get a proxy number or call (786) 677-4893, in addition to (786) 206-8970, for step-by-step assistance on how to vote. Stockholders can also continue to vote by internet or by phoning the Company’s proxy solicitor, Saratoga Proxy Consulting LLC (“Saratoga Proxy”), at (888) 368-0379 or (212) 257-1311. Votes will be accepted up to and during the adjourned meeting. If stockholders have any questions or need assistance, please call Saratoga Proxy at (888) 368-0379 or (212) 257-1311.
If you own shares it is your right to vote; you can call fidelity to get a proxy number or call (786) 677-4893, in addition to (786) 206-8970, for step-by-step assistance on how to vote. Stockholders can also continue to vote by internet or by phoning the Company’s proxy solicitor, Saratoga Proxy Consulting LLC (“Saratoga Proxy”), at (888) 368-0379 or (212) 257-1311. Votes will be accepted up to and during the adjourned meeting. If stockholders have any questions or need assistance, please call Saratoga Proxy at (888) 368-0379 or (212) 257-1311.