387 Well, boys, are you ready for ten days of darkness? (www.bbc.com) posted 2 years ago by StormzAComing 2 years ago by StormzAComing +388 / -1 Queen Elizabeth II has died Her son King Charles III pays tribute to his "beloved mother" who has died peacefully at Balmoral. 187 comments share 187 comments share save hide report block hide replies
4chan was saying earlier today that he was disowned by the lizard.
Yeah, but that was a joke.
OTOH Julie Green said that Charles would be shown to have killed his mum. 👀 No, she did not give a time frame. I think she said he wouldn't be coronated, but I'll have to check.
Yeah but I think MSM is already calling it. He will be king. Normie insiders telling me the family is already kissing his hand.
Wasn't there a builder's frame around one of the files they took from raid at MAL in the pic that the fbi leaked?