410 Boris Johnson giving live speech on TV just referred to The Queen as "The Keystone" (media.greatawakening.win) What is the KEYSTONE? posted 2 years ago by Mungo9000 2 years ago by Mungo9000 +410 / -0 142 comments download share 142 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Refer back to all the posts Q made of Elizabeth May
Boris was chosen and is part of the plan
Would need to go back and check them.
However, Boris has been chosen/anointed by the spiders since he was a wee lad. And May might actually be half spider. At least.
He's not pure. But he had a part to play to deliver Brexit
“Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”.
Boris is a spider. Brexit is a fiction. The spiders will not let the UK exit from the web,
London is the web