70 Project Veritas BUSTS Democrat US Senate candidate saying treat white people 'like shit' "You oughta know who you're dealing with, like… you gotta treat them like shit, like I mean, that's the only way they'll respect you.".... (thepostmillennial.com) posted 2 years ago by purkiss80 2 years ago by purkiss80 +70 / -0 BREAKING: Project Veritas BUSTS Democrat US Senate candidatesaying treat white people ‘like sh*t’ “You oughta know who you’re dealing with, like… you gotta treatthem like sh*t, like I mean, that’s the only way they’ll respectyou.” 4 comments share 4 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Two ways to earn respect: if you’re smart, make a logical and well researched argument and present it clearly and with conviction. If you’re stupid, just bully people until they shut up.