Polls are clearly grounded in reality. In no way do they use polls to push fake news and propaganda. The polls said the Potato Chief is popular for... mysterious reasons so it must be true.
Polls tell me voters care about abortion way more than gas prices, the economy or tax hikes. That's why dozens showed up to protest in New York when it was overturned.
Polls tell me that despite record high primary turnout for the GOP, tons of school boards flipping to conservatives, and GOP poll watchers showing up even for local elections means it is the democrats who have the enthusiasm.
Trump packs thousands and thousands in Pennsylvania at his rallies, but clearly that's because a tiny minority agree with him. Biden pens in dozens of journalists in a gym which shows the majority is on his side.
Polls tell me that LGBT is super popular even though their rainbow merchandise mostly collects dust on store shelves and even liberals react to Pride Month with a "Ugh, not this again". Because everyone loves a whole month devoted to less than 3% of the population.
Polls tell me Christianity is a dying minority of 2.3 billion people that'll probably wink out in ten years.
You mean only 6 out of 10 Reddit bots agree? Tsl tsk.
Polls are clearly grounded in reality. In no way do they use polls to push fake news and propaganda. The polls said the Potato Chief is popular for... mysterious reasons so it must be true.
Polls tell me voters care about abortion way more than gas prices, the economy or tax hikes. That's why dozens showed up to protest in New York when it was overturned.
Polls tell me that despite record high primary turnout for the GOP, tons of school boards flipping to conservatives, and GOP poll watchers showing up even for local elections means it is the democrats who have the enthusiasm.
Trump packs thousands and thousands in Pennsylvania at his rallies, but clearly that's because a tiny minority agree with him. Biden pens in dozens of journalists in a gym which shows the majority is on his side.
Polls tell me that LGBT is super popular even though their rainbow merchandise mostly collects dust on store shelves and even liberals react to Pride Month with a "Ugh, not this again". Because everyone loves a whole month devoted to less than 3% of the population.
Polls tell me Christianity is a dying minority of 2.3 billion people that'll probably wink out in ten years.
And those reddit polls are even more accurate!
A veritable symphony of sarcasm...