Link below with crazy arse article that Gen Flynn feeds the QAnon - narrative - 😏
Flynn pointed to his own military experiences in his assessment, describing instances in which
the U.S government had used information warfare
against terrorist organizations such as ISIS and al-Qaeda.
“One of the things that I do know about our government is our government’s ability to project, and our government’s ability to put together disinformation campaigns, psychological operations and psychological campaigns…”
This whole 'story' is a shite show folks.
Pure Bullshite - BIGLY-
“Information warfare is something our government gets involved in.”
“I raise this because… I really do believe that it [the QAnon movement] is some type of government campaign. Maybe it’s being done by … ultra-government organizations, you know, that are working on behalf of it.”
Flynn pointed to “crazy ideas” associated with the QAnon movement — usually labeled by the mainstream media as a “baseless conspiracy theory” — such as the notion that, during his presidency, Trump was “battling an entrenched bureaucracy and sex trafficking ring run by pedophiles” and currently, that Trump is still the acting, sitting President.
This is me speculating, but it is also — when I speculate, I also have a level of expertise in these types of efforts,” said the former National Security Advisor, describing his extensive resume in the intelligence world.
“This is something that I can see our government — and they’re going to go crazy on this — but I can see our government, you know, somewhere, at some level, putting something like this together, but bifurcating it from the government and turning it over to another body.”
The General drops TRUTH BOMBS tho as fringe.
Some proponents of the movement trust in the idea of a wide-ranging ‘plan’ in which their adversaries will be arrested in masse — an idea Flynn urged conservatives to reject.
“This idea that there’s some ‘plan,’ or something that’s going to happen…
You know, I keep telling people. The plan is ‘We the People.’ The plan is you and I,” said the retired general.
“The plan is me and guys like me and people like me getting out there to encourage people to get involved in the everyday life of this country"
Link below for further
Early on I contributed to Flynn’s defense fund because I thought we needed to know what he had. Phrases like “Flynn knows where ALL the bodies were buried” led me to believe that a white hat would surely want to expose that. After the pardon, all I saw was grass roots speech and the appearance of honor and the Good Lord. I cannot tell you what changed but I will not contribute to his next defense fund. I don’t follow him and no longer find his words compelling. I am hounded by a simple question, if he’s known all this time where the bodies are buried, doesn’t that make him complicit?
Maybe he is doing something underneath (I hope he is) but I don’t think so. I like to think he is helping a different demographic of red-pill but the awareness on this board has graduated from his perspective long ago
My thoughts too. He’s definitely not to be trusted.