Just to clarify for some people: Q IS a psyop. But Q is a white hat psyop that was designed to spark the population into thinking for themselves and combating the mainstream narrative. Q's main mission was already accomplished. There is now an army of people who dig on the elite and expose corruption like never before. All warfare is based on deception according to Sun Tzu. Meaning that many of your favorite white hats are not always going to come out and say everything that they actually think because they are currently engaged in the war. They are not stupid. And neither are you. You just saw Trump play the song I am Q and WWG1WGA behind his speech. He's giving us enough to keep us encouraged but he's still in the battle. One day, perhaps, we will see total public vindication. Anons were right about Q and about so much. But until that day comes, don't let the psyop shake you too much. Focus on what God is telling you and your God given instincts. The fog of war may be thick but we are getting enough bread crumbs to keep us going. There is no way back. Only forward. The world is waking up and a "psyop" is playing a major role.
credit: PepeLivesMatter
Apart from the AI part, which, although quite sophisticated, to seems not ready to pull of a banana split like this one.
But there is another dimension to this psyop. The initial group of people who were targeted. Those were the people hanging out on /pol on 4 chan, later 8 chan and 8 kun. And there was a particular reason. Many on there are literal autists.
If you ever want a good laugh at your expense: sit down with autists in one room. You are a normie without a clue what they are talking about.
Most people on here, could not even find the way to /pol, because sin city is the peaceful upstanding part of town in comparison. And the humor would totally escape most. That is were Q decided to hang out for a bit.
And perhaps: Cicada 3301 was indeed a part of the prep.
Interestingly, right after Q started posting, all other boards, like voat, reddit, the donald, ATS, etc, were flooded with people wanting to discuss the drops. Aggregate site started to emerge, artists making maps, clocks, and the likes.
What you described is called Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB).
Less than that, a self organising collective.
Funny you say this because it reminded me of something......
**'Most people on here, could not even find the way to /pol, because sin city is the peaceful upstanding part of town in comparison. And the humor would totally escape most. That is were Q decided to hang out for a bit.' **
This...... how people looked down on Jesus because he chose to 'hang out' with tax collectors, common people and even prostitutes! (instead of the 'elites') Makes you think hey?
Precisely. I knew about pol, 4ch, 8ch and all I could think was "no way.." and simply went back to posting on the Donald even though I technically am one of those non normie borderline autists
If the election hadn't been stolen, I would have never believed everything I doubted about Q
A lot of respect to the real ones who recognized the truth wholeheartedly before I did