What did Q **REPEATEDLY** say was the ‘ONLY WAY FORWARD’? I bet it’s not what you think!
Q talked about 'military planning' a lot. And early on, in Q-post #26, Q even said ‘The only way is the military’. But he only said that once.
But NINETEEN other times, Q said that the 'only way forward' (or the ‘only way to restore trust’) was based on some combination of truth, transparency, disclosure, and (yes) accountability and prosecution. Nineteen times!
Q-post #4550 says ’Enough must see. It is the only way’.
The 'only way' is a Great Awakening.
You may not have the resources to ‘hire billboards’ or ‘fight lawsuits’ – but we can all wake people up, even if it’s one at a time.
Speak truth. Plant seeds.
Help save the world.
I think we're on a similar wavelength. The expressions "Church triumphant" and "Church militant" are unfamiliar to me, but it has been a long-standing cornerstone of my faith that the saints, righteous people and good ancestors who have passed to the world of spirit before us are core part of the heavenly army, and their work is by and large to impact and influence those on Earth in a righteous, virtuous and heavenly direction, directly through cooperation with saints, righteous people and good people alive on Earth now. (See Mt of Transfiguration passages for a clear example).
Through this cooperation, the spiritual war necessarily MUST manifest in the physical world. Saying this is fundamentally a spiritual ware shouldn't be taken to imply that it's only about spiritual things. Rather, the world of spirit is the causal world, and the material world in which we live is the world in which the causes manifest; it is the world of effect.
Regarding welcoming non-believers: Scripturally, it should be clear to anyone who is willing to step outside of certain doctrinal positions that one can indeed profess faith in Christ and yet NOT be doing the Will of God. (If one considers belief in Christ as a doorway to a potential (doing God's Will), the issue becomes whether one steps through the doorway to actively live (do God's Will) on the other side, or simply resides in the doorway and never realizes the potential.)
Thus, it should also be clear that there are those who are non-believers yet who actually do the Will of God. Cyrus the King comes to mind as an example.
In my view, in the current times (which are indeed the End of Days, although what the "End of Days" exactly is should not be overly assumed), those who uphold the side, the agenda and the purpose of God the Father, aka Freedom and the restoration of human sovereignty, stand on the side of Good, and therefore 'belong' to God, while those who uphold and advance the agenda of the Devil, aka the NWO, the Satanic Wokeism, the enslavement of the nations to the WEF or CCP, etc, then regardless of whether they 'confess' to believe in Jesus or not, they are, in fact, standing on the side of Evil and belong to evil (Evil has a real-time claim on them).
From that perspective, you comment about "warmly welcom(ing) non believers who are actively fighting on the side of the 'true good'" resonates strongly, and I think, in essence, is the same internal position as mine, simply expressed in different terms.
I wanted to put out just one further comment, based on what I wrote above. I think that by and large, the greatest flaw or fault in Christian thinking up until the present day is rooted in a failure to grasp the full implications of the scripture and the mission and purpose of Christ.
Side Note: ... "now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know only in part; then I shall know fully...." Paul is directly expressing the realization that there will come a time (that is in the future for Paul) when his understanding of the truth (and the understanding of believers in general) will outstrip what he understood even then. He's admitting that his grasp of the truth (which I believe includes the truth about Christ, the purpose and mission of Jesus, etc) is dim. A reflection. A partial grasp. Very few believers really reflect on what this means. They tend to think, Oh, when the Kingdom has arrived and we're all, you know, happily dancing around, then .... we'll magically know ... stuff.
But the direct implication is, if even Paul's grasp of the truth is DIM, then what we've been taught through the scripture, and our historical understanding of the meaning, is also .... DIM. Limited. Limited in a big way compared with the actual potential. In my view, that's because the time wasn't right. To many things had to be done before the Kingdom could re-advent, before Christ could return to complete His work.
Along those lines, I'll say two things. One, the understanding ("I will know even as I am known") will not come After the Kingdom is fulfilled, but rather, will precede the Kingdom, and be a critical part of HOW the Kingdom comes on Earth as in Heaven. When God ushers in this 'clear knowing of the truth' that Paul prophecies about, that will be the process of humanity realizing exactly what has been going on, both before Jesus came and after. Thus, seeing the truth, we'll become empowered on a completely new level to enact the Will and realize His kingdom on the Earth.
Two, the profound purpose and mission of Christ is to restore the sovereignty that Adam handed over to the Devil, and having restored that, both in Spirit and in the Flesh, to then INHERIT it on to the rest of humankind. That inheritance happens through rebirth. We must be reborn through the holy spirit. Why? Because we must be reborn from Satan's lineage (which was established in Adam, falsely) and restored to God's lineage, through Christ Jesus.
"lineage" means there is an ancestral ' claim. Lucifer has been able to claim all the descendents of Adam as 'his children', because they (we) were born from Adam's fallen lineage, a lineage who voluntarily accepted Lucifer's word and being deceived, gave up their sovereign rights of their own free (albeit deceived) will.
Thus, rebirth through Christ means we are reborn as the actual children of Christ. Christ is the True Father, the Devil is the False Father. ("…The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. And if we are children, then we are heirs: heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ").
Thus, the real purpose and meaning of salvation is in fact restoration of us (humanity) back to our position as the children of God and the heirs of God's sovereignty.
The tricky part is HOW this is to be accomplished, because .... what we need to realize here, which wasn't obvious even to the disciples at Jesus time ... spiritual rebirth through the Cross is NOT the full completion of salvation. Our spirit is saved, but not (not yet) our Flesh. Somehow, in the dimness, in the confusion of Jesus departure, a confusion arose about the purpose and need for salvation through the cross and the true and full need for complete salvation. It should be obvious that this is the true purpose of the Second Coming, but it hasn't been.
Even with faith in the Cross, even with rebirth through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, only our spirit is reborn. Only our spirit can access a realm beyond Satan's claim. The truth is, currently, our flesh remains under the Devil's jurisdiction. This is the tragic fact that Paul laments, even while glorifying God and experiencing true elation at being spiritually saved. ("Wretched man that I am... who will deliver me from this body of death?")
But how could this be so? Why on earth would God delay salvation even for the believers? How did a situation come about where we receive only spiritual salvation and not physical or fleshy salvation?
This is the only answer: in order to bring spiritual salvation, despite the tragic and avoidable rejection by the very people who were prepared to receive him, Jesus had to offer his own flesh and the crucifixion as the ransom to pay for our spiritual salvation. He had to make the offering, the sacrifice, because obedience was NOT forthcoming from the people of Israel. ("Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice...")
Israel should have made the offering, an offering of obedience and unity with Jesus. That would have been the price for Jesus to give to them, and then after them, the Gentiles, the grace of spiritual (spirit) AND physical (flesh) salvation. But because Israel failed, Israel fell yet again into their wicked ways .... EVEN at the very moment when the Messiah had arrived.... because Israel failed to make the offering of obedience, Christ had to make an offering instead. And, he offered his sinless flesh, his death on the Cross.
If the Parable of the Vineyard is not about this, what is it about? Jesus himself laments and weeps that Israel did NOT know the time of it's visitation. If it had known? The Lord prefers Obedience to Sacrifice.
Scripture predicted - Isaiah - both that the coming Messiah would be a man of suffering and rejection, but also a man of glory and who would sit on David's throne. Traditionally (dimly) believers explained this by saying, "oh, oh, you know, one is talking about the first coming of Jesus, and the other is talking about the Second Coming."
But is this true? Jesus own words explain: "For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.…"
The prophets, which includes Isaiah, only prophesied about events until the time of John. They never said ANYTHING about a Second Coming. That is an interpretation (a dim view, a mirror view) believers came up with to explain the nature of dual prophecy. But because God gave us free will, there is always a dual prophecy. One about what happens if Obedience of offered, and one about what happens if Disobedience results in the need for Sacrifice.
A clearer way to interpret Isaiah, then, is to realize: it is a dual prophecy. If Israel obeyed and received Jesus, then he would indeed have been lifted up. (Note that Jesus could forgive sins even BEFORE the crucifixion). But if they disobeyed, rejected, then Jesus would have no alternative but to pay the ransom, pay the price instead.
A realization of this truth brings profound understanding and further realization. We always thought that Jesus tragic death was inevitable, because of my sin. But if one realizes that it only became necessary because Israel rejected Jesus and failed to make the offering of obedience, it becomes doubly tragic. Israel was the chosen representative of humanity. When they rejected Jesus, humanity rejected Jesus. What this really means is that I, I rejected Jesus. I nailed him to the Cross. And yet, he loves me, and forgives me. He died because I could NOT make the offering. It wasn't inevitable. My failure made it unavoidable.
Israel refused to obey, and so Jesus had to make the sacrifice. And because Jesus' own flesh was handed over as the ransom, His return became necessary to complete the process. Thus, when He returns, our Flesh is also to be reborn. Not in a supernatural way, but rather, by Christ's own blessing, the claim over our flesh held by the Devil is then to be removed.
When both the spirit and the flesh are removed from the Devil's claim, the Devil's jurisdiction, then and only then will our true position and sovereignty be restored, and indeed, we will inherit the Kingdom, both in spirit, but also in our physical flesh, living on the Earth. And, from that point forward, children will be born from Christ's lineage automatically, because Satan's claim on their parents will be liquidated (whereas currently, even if our spirit is reborn to Christ, our flesh is still under Satan's jurisdiction, and so, even when we conceive our children, they too are still under Satan's claim - they are not co-heirs automatically).
The world waking up the the material reality of Satan's control over the world is a sign that the End Times have arrived. The faithful have understood, for 2000 years, that Satan had a claim and over our spirits, a claim that is liquidated when we are reborn, but the material reality of how the Devil, in spirit, rules the world through his lineage and his instruments, has been hidden. Until now.
Well, my Sunday is almost done. 30 minutes to go.
I hope some of this makes sense, and hope even more than some of it resonates with you. Either way, a blessing on your work, your family, and those around you.
Does what you've written make sense? Does it resonate? Yes. Personally, I believe we would have fun sitting in a room and trying to zero in on the 'truth' of what we now see 'only dimly'...
One Sunday, I was standing at the back of church looking towards the front, and a thought struck me as I peered out over the backs of all the heads that had gathered that morning: "No matter what our age, no matter how hard we try, we are all like three-year-olds trying to make sense of a mystery that we can't fully grasp."
I've taught classes on the 'seeing dimly' topic. I find it fun to tease out 'glimpses' of the infinite truth that my poor, finite mind cannot fully comprehend.
Given what you've written, I think you'd find 'The Rescue Project' utterly fascinating. (https://rescueproject.us/watch/) It's a series of talks given by someone I've followed for years who has a true gift for communication. Just a few minutes into the first talk, he makes reference to 'seeing things through a set of lenses' (and later discusses the 'dimly' aspect). If you get a chance to watch (even the first section), I'd love to know your take on it. Feel free to message me.
May God bless you and yours.