This post is dedicated to the 2977 American citizens who were murdered, and the more than 25,000 American citizens who were grievously wounded, by the United States Government on 9/11/2001. May they rest in peace. May their memories live on forever in the hearts of Anons and Patriots who know the truth. May their murderers be brought to justice, and made to answer for their numerous and repeated crimes against humanity.
Infiltration not Invasion
21 years ago today, the United States Government executed a heinous plan aimed at staving off the coming of The Great Awakening by plunging our great Nation into a mass formation psychosis that would culminate in a two decades long unjust war on the people of the Middle East under the guise of fighting terrorism. Few Americans knew at the time, but the real terrorists were in the heart of the Homeland, at the highest levels of the United States Government, and had been there for generations laying their plans for death, destruction, and carnage.
Who really controls the [D] party?
How far back in time the infiltration of The United States Government goes is anyone’s guess. The 40,000 ft view would suggest at least as far back as the 1940s, and the aftermath of World War II during which Operation Paperclip smuggled a great many Nazi scientists and nationals into the fold of the various departments of the United States Government. What is clear at this time is that we are a nation ruled over by tyrannical Nazis and Communists. The common American believes that we have a two party system, but the truth of the matter is that it has been one party, one DemoC(CP)rat Uniparty, for many years now. They may trade faces every four to eight years, but the traitors behind the mask are the same that were responsible for the death of President John F. Kennedy, his son Jr., Princess Diana, and the attacks upon America on 9/11/2001.
Last week, Resident Joseph R. Biden had the gall and audacity to call Make America Great Again Patriots a threat and a danger to Democracy. He was right! It is time for Patriots to flip the script on these Nazis and Communists. MAGA most certainly threatens to topple their DemoC(CP)rat Uniparty dynasty; their perversion of what true Democracy and Republicanism are, and uncover the truth that the DemoC(CP)rat Uniparty have been plotting the destruction of America for over fifty years, and are the true Clear and Present Danger to our Republic.
What does U1 provide?
In the aftermath of the 9/11/2001 attack by the Deep Staters and Cabalists, the infiltrated United States Government received cart blanche from an unwitting American people to do whatever was necessary to bring to justice the terrorists who were perceived responsible. The power of mass formation psychosis had set in. In this state of mind, the sleeping people of our Nation allowed the criminal tyrants in charge of the United States Government to wage an unjust war on the people of the Middle East, and sow the seeds of instability and confusion that would lay the ground work for the Uranium One deal under the Obama Administration. While the United States Government was telling a story to Americans and the World about the search for Weapons of Mass Destruction, and the mutual disarmament of nuclear arms, they were secretly plotting the creation of untraceable nuclear weapons for use in the next phase of their plan.
“You don't fight Russia and America. You get Russia and America to fight each other... and destroy each other.”
It should be transparently clear why the United States Government were smuggling uranium during the Obama Administration. There was a plan so heinous, so evil, and so unspeakable that few Americans were willing to entertain the mere thought of it. The sixteen year plan to destroy America, Russia, and the West began under the Obama administration during the aftermath of the mass formation psychosis that the Bush family set in motion.
The plan was for uranium to be smuggled covertly from the stockpiles of the United States during the Obama Administration for the creation of untraceable nuclear weapons that would be used against millions of United States citizens during the planned Hillary Clinton Administration that never happened. There is a reason why the DemoC(CP)rat Uniparty were so quick to pivot to Russian interference in the aftermath of the 2016 election. The goal was always to spark a war between Russia and America, and watch as we mutually destroyed one another.
Think GAME
What the DemoC(CP)rat Deep Staters and Cabalists did not intend for was President Trump and the Q team coordinating with Putin, Xi, Kim, Bolsonaro, Salman, and many more world leaders and Patriots to counter the Cabal plan to instigate World War III. The Deep Staters and Cabalists of the world were counting upon being unopposed by the Patriots of the World. They thought they had the game rigged in their favor, but they never saw the Patriots flip the board right under their noses.
Q told us many times that we, THE PEOPLE, have the power, and that we simply forgot how to PLAY. The past six years have been a Q Team crash course in Game Theory to teach the Patriots of America and the World how to fight back effectively, and counter the moves of the Deep Staters and Cabalists. The Patriot leaders of the world cannot do this alone. They require the support, participation, and involvement of The Patriot People of the World. They require The Great Awakening.
Midterm Elections
In two months time The United States of America will arrive at the crossroads of destiny as we come together as a collective people; one nation, under god, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all, and proclaim as one people that the Biden residency is a belligerent occupying power, and that We the People do not consent to being governed by criminal tyrants. This will be the defining moment of our generation, and will be remembered as such by our children, grandchildren, and descendants for many years to come.
Red Wave or Red Tsunami?
The 2020 election steal represents the artificial construct of a dam to stave off the tectonic economic and geopolitical shift that is occurring as a result of The Great Awakening. What would happen to the Colorado River should the Hoover Dam be removed, and nature allowed to retake its intended course? What happens if Patriots remove ALL the election interference in 2022?
Define: Force of Nature.
Everything we have witnessed unfold over the past two decades has culminated in these midterms, and this defining moment in the history of our Nation. When the C19 bioweapon was loosed from the torpedo bays of the Ukrainian and Chinese biolaboratories, America’s Captain, President Trump, had two choices; Run, or Stand. The Deep Staters and Cabalists were counting on a coward at the helm of America, as had been the case during the 9/11/2001 attacks; a man who would flee from danger, and open the distance between America and the C19 Storm, allowing for the damage to grow to a cataclysmic and unfathomable scale over several years that would encompass prolonged medical martial law, loss of civil liberties, and untold death and carnage. Instead, they got a bold, fearless, and tenacious President who understood battle tactics, and the Art of War. President Trump owned the C19 event. His Operation Warp Speed plunged The United States of America right into the heart of the biowarfare, and allowed for the event to wash over our Nation in a short two years rather than the decade long turmoil that the DemoC(CP)rat Uniparty intended for as a prelude to their 2030 agenda of genocide.
The plans of the Deep Staters and Cabalists to destroy America, Russia, and the West have failed. They were taunted into recklessly unleashing their armaments and expending their ammunition upon America and the World. Now their own torpedoes have come around like boomerangs and are set to detonate and destroy their creators. This is the ultimate Art of War. T Minus 59 days to impact!
Justice will soon come for those in the United States Government who were responsible for the 9/11/2001 attacks upon American citizens, and the 2020 bioweapon attack upon the World. The Deep Staters and Cabalists laid their designs and plans with reckless abandonment because they could not conceive of a future in which the demoralized, depressed, fearful, and timid people of the world would stand in opposition to their tyrannical rule. They believed their grip on the world so absolute, so complete, so unshakable, that no Patriot would know, let alone dare to oppose their will.
What the Q team did for America and the World was pull the curtain back, lift the fog of war, and provide transparency and clarity for Patriots to see with their own eyes the crimes of the Deep Staters and Cabalists. A reckoning is on the horizon for these criminals. A reckoning by The People and The Patriots of the world who will cry out in one united voice that we will not go quietly or gently into the night. Our Patriotism will burn and rage against the dying of the light (Dylan Thomas).
This November we will spark the flame of Patriotism across the world so bright, and so hot as to extinguish the shadows from the world in which the demons have lain hidden for so long. Only in darkness can evil thrive, and the long night of humanity wanes as a new dawn approaches!
- Qanaut -
You know he means it when he embraces the flag. This is why we love, love, love our President.
DJT was born on Flag Day. In a way, the flag represents his swaddling clothes.