posted ago by xchainlinkx ago by xchainlinkx +79 / -0
  • WTC 7 Collapsed without any planes striking it.
  • The media claimed it collapsed from fire, which is physically impossible.
  • There is no footage of any planes hitting the Pentagon, none that are conclusive.
  • Stand-Down order was given when they knew of the planes being hijacked.
  • Over 2 Trillion dollars (with a T), went missing from the Pentagon right before 9/11.
  • Jet fuel can't melt steel beams, and cannot melt steel beams to cause a free-fall collapse of the towers on it's own footprint.
  • Only thing that can be used to cause the Twin-Towers to collapse on its own blue print is precisely placed explosives / thermite
  • Thermite can be seen pouring out from the twin towers following its collaspe.
  • You can see steel beams cut at a perfect 45 degree angle, indicative of a controlled collapse.
  • Tens of thousands architects and engineers acknowledge a controlled demolition was used.
  • 9/11 opened the pathway to an ever encroaching federal government to infringe on our rights.
  • TSA and airport checkpoints are unconstitutional, and so is the NSA spying on us citizens privately.
  • In the resulting war (invasion), our poor military was exploited by elite criminals to pillage and murder abroad for the sake of supporting drug trafficking cartels via poppy fields. They never fought for our freedoms.