I tried telling my father about the twin towers and he started going off as if he knew how structures collapse. He had a tone of talking down to me saying "The fuel weakens the steal, do you know that?" I was like uhh yeah I understand how heat makes steel weaker.
He wouldn't listen to a damn word I said. He just kept repeating that the weight of the floors above would cause each level to fall down. I kept saying yeah so why didn't they fall to the side at all? Why did it look like a controlled demolition?
I want a short maybe 10 minute video by an expert explaining how this could not occur unless it was a controlled demolition.
Correct. The official speeds and loads quoted go way out of range for these type of aircraft, imagine believing that they could carry on flying them so far over VMO that they would even stay intact, let alone be able to control them. Flying such an aircraft by an amateur would see them over controlling, it would take the slightest touch for the aircraft to respond.
To hit both towers with this size of aircraft equates to a newly passed driver, driving their car at 120 mph through their open garage doors and out the other side without touching the sides of the garage, first try! Pilots have tried to replicate the attack, especially the Pentagon and failed time and time again, and these pilots have 1000's of hours on type!
And don't get me started on the Pentagon aircraft, a descending 8000' per min 270' turn at the speeds quoted to hit level would be impossible! The aircraft would have ripped itself to pieces, many aerodynamic forces like wing flutter and roll would have seen that thing rip itself to bits. Let alone the ground effect of such an aircraft pulling itself into the ground on approach to the Pentagon!
Astonishingly, the official report stated speeds that at the heights quoted the engines couldn't output enough thrust at near sea level to obtain, they must have been taking the piss when they wrote it!