Thermite isn't one compound. So people that refer to "thermite" in such a situation, are functional retards that are LARPing based on YouTube videos they have seen, otherwise they would have MENTIONED THE VERY IMPORTANT CONSTITUENT CHEMICALS THAT MADE UP THE THERMITE.
It is unlikely that if thermite were present that any of it would remain uncombusted. And combusted thermite amounts to what? Iron and aluminum oxide. And what do you expect to find when an aluminum airplane burns in a steel-framed building? Aluminum burns just fine in the right environment, releasing more heat than jet fuel. It is used all the time in solid booster propellant.
Who sent that steel out to China...Chertoff...who was a founder of Mossad...his mother.
You can't make this up.
Chert is Devil in Russian.
What KIND of thermite?
And right there, you know it's bullshit.
Thermite isn't one compound. So people that refer to "thermite" in such a situation, are functional retards that are LARPing based on YouTube videos they have seen, otherwise they would have MENTIONED THE VERY IMPORTANT CONSTITUENT CHEMICALS THAT MADE UP THE THERMITE.
Because, not all thermite is the same.
It is unlikely that if thermite were present that any of it would remain uncombusted. And combusted thermite amounts to what? Iron and aluminum oxide. And what do you expect to find when an aluminum airplane burns in a steel-framed building? Aluminum burns just fine in the right environment, releasing more heat than jet fuel. It is used all the time in solid booster propellant.
And you know who was instrumental in allowing the crime scene to be dismantled and sent to China? Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
No it was all Michael Chertoff's doing. Quit trying to slide you Ashkenazi shill.
Huh? I assure you, I am not what you claim, and know more about the conspiracy than you think.