So You telling me that this(A plane's nosecone that was hit by a bird) cut straight through a steel exoskeleton and reinforced concrete...AND came out the other side virtually intact...Yeah OK...😏😏

Cats, I'd like to sit at your feet and listen to what you have to say on this topic. Please direct me to previous threads containing your wisdom on this subject.
Haha, I hear your sarcasm but hey, what can I say 🙄😂
Oh, Cats! I'm not being sarcastic at all; I'm dead serious. You're claiming first-hand knowledge, which I happen to hold in high regard. Seriously, I would love to read your account.
Well, other than the fact that I was there, I don't have much else to say. I've been in all these buildings (at one time you could sign up for a tour of the Salomon Smith Barney trading floor). I've just read all the studies and understand the basic physics. I went to journalism school in the midwest. One time I Category 3 tornado was roaming around and destroyed a hardware store. We found 3 ft lengths of PVC pipe that the wind had slammed into and 100% through a telephone pole. That's The Power of this kinetic energy I am talking about. Anyway. Back to the salt mines!