So, looking back. Let's say Trump gets extremely pissed off at 9/11. For Trump's opinion on 9/11 AT THE TIME, see
He was not seen as a political threat to the globos at that time.
Let's say white hats in the government, and there are many more of those than most people realize, approached him about kicking globo butt. However, this was not easy because, as some people might not remember, the mass media had far more control over people's minds than they do now. Much as we complain about censorship on the internet, and rightly, the situation was much much worse before the internet or in the early days of the internet. The three networks plus cable plus kiss-up newspapers controlled ALL THOUGHT.
Move on to 2016, which Cankles was supposed to win via voter fraud to continue the march to a world dictatorship, but that didn't happen. Much of the voter fraud must have been stopped, and Trump won, which set up a fury of illegal activity to take him down in some way, no doubt including many assassination attempts. But this whole thing had been planned for a long time, and Trump was ready for it.
He disrupts their plan, but he cannot alone, by being president, take down the globos. The president does not have but so much legal power, and globos controlled so much of the country and the world. The ones that had to take them down were us, the American people. WE are the force he had to let loose.
So he achieved amazing things in a few short years, making his predecessors look like the lying crooks that they are. AND he was cruising to a very easy re-election.
Course then you also had the Q thing going on, and a massive number of people catching onto everything. People get a little worked up about who Q is and what does it mean. The important thing was that the public started catching on to the globohomo plot going on around them.
Well, globos have to globe, and they knew that a second term was WAY bad news for them. So they whipped up their recipe for COVID and let the bullshit start flying, planning to shut down the WORLD for YEARS.
Trump trumped them, and made the vaccine and opening up a way faster thing, never requiring anyone to take it. A voluntary thing, like experimental medicines. THEN he and his team needed to let people know that elections were fixed, and had been for a long time.
SO, I believe he let the midterms be stolen, but made sure that it was so outrageous that it was caught. In the past, we had "Democrat" and "Republican" candidates both picked out by the globos, and the most they had to do was minor election fixing every once in a while. With Adolf Sniffer running, they had to go whole hog and cheat like hell in every possible way. And it wasn't like there was anyone among the Democrat candidates that was any better.
The problem wasn't their candidates. The problem was the Great Awakening had started to happen. EVEN OBAMA, who used to draw crowds, couldn't attract enough to fill a coffee shop to a Biden rally during the campaign. Their NARRATIVE had failed. Who buys it anymore? The ten thousand people who signed up for CNN Plus? The other ten thousand who watched the January 6 hearings? They have totally lost control of the narrative, a control that they had for decades, and they had no idea what to do.
Look at carefully what Trump did. He started riling up a massive MAGA versus RINO effort for midterm primaries, which was a huge success, I think well over 90 percent.
We are coming closer to the general election. What happens next? Coincidence? The glowies raid Trump's house. Now, look at that. If there were really some Top Secret important stuff, why didn't they raid it 18 months earlier? It makes no sense, except from the point of view of Trump setting up a sting. Also, there is the problem that Trump could and did declassify anything he wanted to.
So, say he knows there is a glowie among his staff, and he makes sure the glowie thinks there is some top secret stuff there. Better yet would be evidence against the globos about the Russia hoax and/or the Iran deal. Then the glowies, dumb shits that they are, come barreling in, creating a worldwide news story.
NOW, see what happened on 9/11. There is always info on 9/11 conspiracy theories every year, but I noticed this time it was extremely hyped up, as though by design a lot of people would suddenly find out the truth about 9/11. Why this is even better than the truth about COVID is that there is some time lapse and some perspective. Some normies are having trouble absorbing COVID reality. But relooking at something that happened some time ago is a bit easier.
And look at what the American people and many state and local governments have been doing. MANY honest people have stepped up to run for office, some doing a better job than others, but it is an impressive line-up overall. A huge number of people are involved in election integrity, with fights and victories at the state and local level all over the country, such as the recent arrest of an election official ( Thousands of honest Americans are working for candidates, staffing elections, poll watching elections, and giving state and local officials hell when they screw up anything. Gregg Phillips, the Beard Man, has something interesting going on. Of course, many of us wish he would tell us what the hell it is, but he gained enormous credibility with 2000 Mules.
Do not forget that in the past no one really knew about voter fraud, and now everyone talks about it, whether they are denying it or acknowledging it. Before 2020, it wasn't on the radar.
What do the globos do? They put their dictatorship out in the open, with Adolf Sniffer making speeches. They aren't even TRYING to bullshit people anymore, and are really desperate.
Trump is loudly telling us to save our country. To work for the honest candidates and work for election integrity. This is our moment. Do we KNOW what is going to happen? No. But we have to go for it anyhow.
God bless you all.
Their username does NOT check out...
i made that username in Jan 2021 when it looked like everything was finally coming together (Nancy escorted by Feds; deltas coming in and CatRED drops habbening)...and then diddly squat. It's been a long and demoralizing road lol but I'm trying to keep my chin up. Just hard with a lot of losses and people on here keep implying Trump will be first arrest etc. Doing my head in
I am one of those that is expecting Trump to get arrested because it makes sense to me that it could progress to a military tribunal and that could be how the military is the only way. If this pans out it could lead to the mother of all boomerangs
also i lost it completely when fuck all happened with that bloody AZ audit. Was pinning a lot on that as we waited and waited all summer for it to drop and then it was just waved away AGAIN. Sigh.