I've seen a number of articles posted here that a day or two later show up as headlines on Gateway Pundit. I'm not slamming GP, but rather just noting what a good job the GAW pedes do at finding significant material before it goes mainstream.
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If we are the news then why is all our news, 98% of it, an aggregation of other peoples news.
I suppose most news sites are just aggregations of news from different sites. I think what sets member sites like this apart is ever now and then someone will post and insight, a dig, on a particular topic that is unique.
That's exactly what TGP is. Pre packaged, convenient reporting that goes by a script or pre designed format. This is why even though I disagree with several independent journalists and activists, I have more respect for them. The real news is found scattered across different mediums, not in one location. And you make a good point; most of the posts are reposts of news articles from other sites. That's not what OP necessarily meant, but logically you are correct. That's why I know when I say something that everyone believes more or less in reality, they will send shills after me just because I show disdain for illogical (emotional) reporting that is for clicks and revenue rather than for honest discussion. Some people still aren't ready to do that without getting emotions involved, and almost all of them will cry at the very mention of that. Use logic, not emotion. They're being hypocritical by appearing to be knowledgeable about what Q said and then coming to a Q discussion board and doing the opposite