🤔⚖️🏛 DOJ agrees to accept one of Trump’s proposed Special Masters… Raymand Dearie 🤔⚖️🏛
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I like your break down and perspective u/Red_Pill_Pusher_Man 👈🏻
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks! I'm trying to see the positive in all this. Personally, my life is going great for the time being so I don't want to think negatively. Vigilant and suspicious? Yes, but try to keep positive - following Trump's lead: "The best is yet to come"
Hey, I am an optimist too!
Q: Is the glass half full or half empty?
Me: It's overflowing.
Q: Say again?
Me: The glass is half full of water to drink, and half full of air to breath. The air is overflowing and I have a worldwide supply. Things are looking GOOD!
I was once told as a child, "If you don't like how you see yourself or the world around you, change your perspective in life."
This has been a crucial lifelong perspective for me.
Whenever I face a challenge and I hate the situation I am in, I ask myself, "How can I change my perspective on this?" It isn't always easy and the answer isn't always immediately clear, but the answer always comes.
Every single person in this world can change their life immediately if they choose a new perspective.
Lost an arm in an accident? You still have another. Lost them both? You can still run away on your two legs. Lost your legs, but have your arms? You can still write and move around on a wheelchair.
Perhaps the greatest mind of our time, Stephen Hawking, was wheelchair bound with no use of his arms or legs. He could only speak through a voice translator. And yet, he still had his mind. He unlocked incredibly difficult secrets to understand in the universe because he still had his mind. And from his perspective, he decided to use it, rather than dwell on his handicap.
I wish no injuries to anyone. I don't make light of any injuries some may have.
My point is that all people, no matter who they are, can change their perspective and unlock massive potential within themselves.
Every single reader here can do this.
What is one thing that bothers you greatly today? How can you change your perspective on that? How could this change your life? You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to. But you must make that choice. And you must take that action.
I know with every molecule in my body that nothing can stop what is coming. I already know for certain that we will win. We have more persistence and patience than any other group. Together we are strong. Together We Will Ride. And, Together, We Will WIN!