in my opinion the military isn't going to exert any more force than is necessary to win. The idea of war as we know it in this country [normies] is bomb 3rd world countries in the name of freedom for their people. Normies don't realize what regime change is. they need to get the idea of color revolutions by living through one. in this generation of war and a war of this importance ( control of the future of humanity itself ) You have to be seen as a victim fighting against oppressors or you will be written off as The Nazis 2.0 Just look at how normies view Trump as a dictator he can't go at them. Military is fighting a counter insurgency. You don't fight counter insurgents. you set up an alternate system that deligitimizes the occupiers. I understand your weariness though perhaps my tolerance for hopium makes me a lightweight. I just tell myself the alternative future that was in store for us was way worse than what we've been through the last 10 years. just a frogs opinion.
in my opinion the military isn't going to exert any more force than is necessary to win. The idea of war as we know it in this country [normies] is bomb 3rd world countries in the name of freedom for their people. Normies don't realize what regime change is. they need to get the idea of color revolutions by living through one. in this generation of war and a war of this importance ( control of the future of humanity itself ) You have to be seen as a victim fighting against oppressors or you will be written off as The Nazis 2.0 Just look at how normies view Trump as a dictator he can't go at them. Military is fighting a counter insurgency. You don't fight counter insurgents. you set up an alternate system that deligitimizes the occupiers. I understand your weariness though perhaps my tolerance for hopium makes me a lightweight. I just tell myself the alternative future that was in store for us was way worse than what we've been through the last 10 years. just a frogs opinion.