The problem is that this never happened. Maybe* some people randomly commented that everyone would be dead in 2 years... but this:
a.) Makes no sense given saline/bad batches/different vaxxes
b.) Wouldn't be something you can "hold someone accountable" for based on their uneducated assumption
The fact of the matter is, deaths are spiking and not from COVID. We all saw that coming. No one knew the scope of it. I'd honestly say that it's even worse than I thought it could/would be, even now.
The original video by Luc Montagnier said 3 years, but being a French video with English subtitles, there's no way I can swear to what he actually said.
The problem is that this never happened. Maybe* some people randomly commented that everyone would be dead in 2 years... but this:
a.) Makes no sense given saline/bad batches/different vaxxes
b.) Wouldn't be something you can "hold someone accountable" for based on their uneducated assumption
The fact of the matter is, deaths are spiking and not from COVID. We all saw that coming. No one knew the scope of it. I'd honestly say that it's even worse than I thought it could/would be, even now.
The original video by Luc Montagnier said 3 years, but being a French video with English subtitles, there's no way I can swear to what he actually said.