Are you pretending it’s a one man operation to have a baby? Do you have any idea how many supermodels throw their cats at the richest man in the world? They’re not being abused by any means. Set for life just for having one of his babies guaranteed.
Yes, but it's the virtue signaling to each side of the political spectrum that every side should be weary of. Especially when praising him like he's a white hat.
The guy sleeps with his employees and tells the Conservatives "he's repopulating the planet".
Then he also wins points with the Liberals, when he pays for his employees abortions.
Sounds like a scumbag to me.
Edit: I have to wonder if he uses a loophole to make it a tax write-off.
They agreed to direct deposit in their contract. If they didn't ask enough questions then that is all on them
Are you pretending it’s a one man operation to have a baby? Do you have any idea how many supermodels throw their cats at the richest man in the world? They’re not being abused by any means. Set for life just for having one of his babies guaranteed.
Yes, but it's the virtue signaling to each side of the political spectrum that every side should be weary of. Especially when praising him like he's a white hat.
This isn't the only subject he flip flops on.
I do, and I banged my girlfriend every night.
Bottom line is that he's playing all of us, and if we take a hard look, its very easy to spot.