posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +245 / -0

All the financial corruption is documented in the video below. It is a very good 20-minute review of Podesta's history. All the corruption associated with John Podesta happened while he was working with the Clintons and Obama. It is an eye opener. Podesta tries to stay in the shadows and his dirty history is unknown by most people.



The video talks about Podesta's organization called Center for American Progress. Here is the website below, it is the worst website in all of internet history. It is filled with fake bullshit liberal brainwashing articles from top to bottom, I bet MSM gets many of its talking points from here.


The video also showed a donor list to Center for American Progress from 2012 that I found and posted below. You can see many of the recent companies who have been exposed as treasonous rat bastards. They include all the pharmaceutical, banking and energy companies. Also, Microsoft/Bill Gates. You put all the companies together and what you get is Biden's Build Back Vaccine clot shot- Green New Deal-Destroy the country financial Team.

2012 American Progress Business Alliance Members


Biden just gave Podesta $370 billion for something called the "Inflation Reduction Act". We know all of this money will be given to investors to CAP and the laundered back to the democrats.

Podesta has a big Chinese connection also; you saw that in the movie. Here is a article that talks about the Chinese getting a portion of these funds.

Lawmakers worry ex-Clinton aide will give communist nation a powerful ally in the White House


I have a feeling Podesta is not going to use this money very wisely which will give reason to look at Q post 15.


Remember, Huma is now running for President? Crazy shit!

PS: Novartis is on the list above, along with Pfizer. Novartis was making BioNTech vaccines for Pfizer. We should be boycotting every company on this list.

Novartis signs new initial agreement with BioNTech to support fill and finish of the mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine
