Yes there is original sin, it’s in our DNA, it’s why children from the youngest ages act out in sin, in EVERY. SINGLE. SITUATION. You are making up a lot of shit
We have all fallen short of the glory of God, which alone makes us unfit for heaven and in need of a savior. So let's say you're correct (for the sake of argument), your point is STILL irrelevant, because we're still creatures of sin (according to your own argument).
No we are not and I never said we were creatures of sin. If as the Bible tells us the kingdom of heaven is within us...what do you think that makes us?..
Drop this idea we are sin and's a self hate and it's negative
It’s only negative when you ignore the cross. The Bible says again and again that none of us are perfect and requires a savior, whether the OT lamb or NT Jesus. OT foreshadowing Jesus in the NT.
You're right, DNA is fake. Children acting sinfully is a parental lie. The Bible is not only not inerrant, but a down right lie, none of it is as it seems. God hid truths so that only .0001% of humanity will ever discover them, he definitely would not make it accessible to mankind as a whole. Please let me grovel at your god's feet instead and sacrifice my children to him/her/it/zhem. /s
A couple of points in agreement with you: First, Death is the natural consequence of sin, as Romans 3:23 points out, Second, the ingrained nature of sin is not only described in Scripture: Psalms 51, Romans 7, but also acknowledged by those who study human behavior and admit to some behaviors being at least to some degree genetic:
What makes you think I don't know the Bible? And I say to you in the most loving way to go to Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles and listen to what he has to say.
I hate it that people here think sex is a sin...good job we all don't or we would not have survived as a species.....and that original sin is in our DNA? What a load of rubbish!! If you find out just what the truth is you will be relieved of a brainwashed sense of sin. Mistranslations in the Bible has caused great misery
When Adam accepted the temptation the first sin entered into creation....hence original sin, which by the way, everyone ever born that is not Christ is currently under.
Yes there is original sin, it’s in our DNA, it’s why children from the youngest ages act out in sin, in EVERY. SINGLE. SITUATION. You are making up a lot of shit
Sin in original Greek means missing the mark..what has that to do with DNA?
I am not making anything up look on biglinos website and not just his either..
There is evidence to prove what I say .where is your evidence about original sin and DNA?
We have all fallen short of the glory of God, which alone makes us unfit for heaven and in need of a savior. So let's say you're correct (for the sake of argument), your point is STILL irrelevant, because we're still creatures of sin (according to your own argument).
No we are not and I never said we were creatures of sin. If as the Bible tells us the kingdom of heaven is within us...what do you think that makes us?..
Drop this idea we are sin and's a self hate and it's negative
It’s only negative when you ignore the cross. The Bible says again and again that none of us are perfect and requires a savior, whether the OT lamb or NT Jesus. OT foreshadowing Jesus in the NT.
You're right, DNA is fake. Children acting sinfully is a parental lie. The Bible is not only not inerrant, but a down right lie, none of it is as it seems. God hid truths so that only .0001% of humanity will ever discover them, he definitely would not make it accessible to mankind as a whole. Please let me grovel at your god's feet instead and sacrifice my children to him/her/it/zhem. /s
A couple of points in agreement with you: First, Death is the natural consequence of sin, as Romans 3:23 points out, Second, the ingrained nature of sin is not only described in Scripture: Psalms 51, Romans 7, but also acknowledged by those who study human behavior and admit to some behaviors being at least to some degree genetic:
You are very silly
Uh... maybe you should get off of the interwebs and open a Bible. I mean that in the most loving way possible.
What makes you think I don't know the Bible? And I say to you in the most loving way to go to Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles and listen to what he has to say.
I hate it that people here think sex is a sin...good job we all don't or we would not have survived as a species.....and that original sin is in our DNA? What a load of rubbish!! If you find out just what the truth is you will be relieved of a brainwashed sense of sin. Mistranslations in the Bible has caused great misery
I never said you didn't know the Bible. I guess I must have missed the part in Genesis where the aliens deposited Adam on earth. My bad.
When Adam accepted the temptation the first sin entered into creation....hence original sin, which by the way, everyone ever born that is not Christ is currently under.
It wasn't was an elohim...and since when is sex a sin? How would we survive if it was a are talking nonesense