177 A Top Russian Official Quoted the Book of Revelation to Describe What Will Soon Happen to America (noqreport.com) B I B L I C A L posted 2 years ago by ashlanddog 2 years ago by ashlanddog +181 / -4 A Top Russian Official Quoted the Book of Revelation to Describe What Will Soon Happen to America The Russians continue to threaten us with nuclear annihilation. Why are so few people in the western world alarmed by this? I think it is because our leaders are assuring everyone that the Russians are all talk and that the odds of a nuclear war actually... 213 comments share 213 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Eh, I had a Bible that titled it "The Revelations of John" or something to that effect, guess it just stuck
No worries, just a weird pet peeve I have that bugs the crap outta me for some reason.
As long as you understand the book better than you remember the name you're gold! The guy that made that webpage deff does not.