I could only get to the halfway point on the bunk video. A sure sign of the lack of scientific expertise is the lack of quantitative information and misuse of units. Electromagnetic radiation is not measured in teslas (magnetic field strength). The presenter had no idea what handheld instrument he was using or who made it, or whether it would measure anything relevant to his argument.
As for microwaves, it is a fact of life that, insofar as we all of us emit thermal infrared radiation, we also emit thermal microwave and radio radiation, albeit at very low levels. And so does our environment.
As for resonance, unless you can specify a frequency (or wavelength), you are talking through your hat.
The numbers are important. The Earth has a magnetic field, for heaven's sake, which will always be present. Human beings generate electric potentials in their nerves and muscles, and the Earth has its own electric field. We emit passive microwave and radio radiation. All this background "noise," and what is the signal supposed to be? Arm waving.
I am reading that the "vaccinations" induce the body to shed the protein spikes. Not implausible. Less zany than deadly radiations.
Resonance. Remember the Memorex commercials?
I could only get to the halfway point on the bunk video. A sure sign of the lack of scientific expertise is the lack of quantitative information and misuse of units. Electromagnetic radiation is not measured in teslas (magnetic field strength). The presenter had no idea what handheld instrument he was using or who made it, or whether it would measure anything relevant to his argument.
As for microwaves, it is a fact of life that, insofar as we all of us emit thermal infrared radiation, we also emit thermal microwave and radio radiation, albeit at very low levels. And so does our environment.
As for resonance, unless you can specify a frequency (or wavelength), you are talking through your hat.
The numbers are important. The Earth has a magnetic field, for heaven's sake, which will always be present. Human beings generate electric potentials in their nerves and muscles, and the Earth has its own electric field. We emit passive microwave and radio radiation. All this background "noise," and what is the signal supposed to be? Arm waving.
I am reading that the "vaccinations" induce the body to shed the protein spikes. Not implausible. Less zany than deadly radiations.
We all transmit and receive radio signals. I's simply a matter of dialing in the resonant frequency. Don't forget the amplification.
Vibrate high frens.
I can see that.
I would not say there is no transmission or shedding. Everyone sheds. When you are around another person, you are picking up their shed skin cells.
However, if their shed skin cells are radioactive...
Well, that's a whole 'nother level of evil.