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I'm curious about this as well. Most of the time I can see the connections in my head, but then when I get to try to explain them its jumbled because there seems to be so much coordination going on and 1) it sounds improbable to people taking in media all their life and 2) the sheer volume of coordination is difficult to put in words. Funny thing is its the MSM that's convincing people that the MSM isn't coordinating and anyone outside the MSM is an unreliable source.
The media conditioning has become more and more clear lately as I rewatch old movies where they are trying to desensitize and normalize behavior to seize control of the agenda. Have the messaging what they are trying to portray then sprinkle in a little crazy and all of a sudden it becomes "You're crazy, it's just a movie, thats not actually happening" (See V for Vendetta, I rewatched that recently).
I had cable TV on for a couple minutes the other night to check out the weather, and the new Law & Order seems to be a prime target for this. They constantly have villians that are 'patriotic white supremacists' trying to initiate terror attacks and they must do whatever possible to convict them! Even if its outside ethical and legal bounds. Wonder where that came from. Add that to the 'narratives' put out after events. Pretty much every MSM has the same talking point and you cant question the facts of an event or even 'ok, how did they find that out'.
I know all do not look to the Bible but hear me out. Could it be that it -seems- so much coordination is going on but in reality they are speaking in tongues? All -speaking in tongues- mean is they are communicating. Just like one who writes code. That is a language. Since you do not have the -key- to interpret their language it comes out as incoherent to whom you try to explain.
Speaking in tongues required an interpreter (key)
They literally speak in tongues to our faces and only those who have the key will understand their true meaning.
They need useful people to be sold on that is not happening and this is how the devil works. It is called deception.
To proof this we need people brave, but many people have said things like. It is a big club and we ain’t invited.
There is always going to be evil and good. I would love to see the USA be able to open this can of evil. Lots of us would. Trying to get people to see this is said to be scary and that is why they will not see it. I believe it is more than that.
A tree can take decades to grow and days to die. The balance is only known to God and His Will. I would love nothing more than to see these who have preyed on Children come to American Justice. The question is. Can it really be that big? Man (humans) are very capable of many extra ordinary things. Sometimes we need to humble ourselves and pray. If that torment is happening to children. To me it is the worst thing to even imagine. Yet we need brave -key- people to do their parts.
The road is narrow for a reason.