Strange...all I see are the words.."Chris Christie at Roy Rogers at 11pm in the evening trying to console himself."
Where do you see the word 'fat' or anything like it? If you get the idea that Chris Christy is a tubby fat ass piece of lard, then it's on you...and perhaps the actual visual of Chris Christie, but not Trump or his words. You sound like a pathetic leftist trying to shove a square peg into a round hole.
You can't see his face, you can't identify this person as Chris Christie. The largest (excuse me) identifier is that this man is huge.
It sounds like nothing but a fat shaming joke to me. This puts it into the category of low-brow humor, most popular with low class audiences. If that's a real Trump post he could do better.
Next let's move on to ridiculing disabled people. Same category.
Strange...all I see are the words.."Chris Christie at Roy Rogers at 11pm in the evening trying to console himself."
Where do you see the word 'fat' or anything like it? If you get the idea that Chris Christy is a tubby fat ass piece of lard, then it's on you...and perhaps the actual visual of Chris Christie, but not Trump or his words. You sound like a pathetic leftist trying to shove a square peg into a round hole.
You can't see his face, you can't identify this person as Chris Christie. The largest (excuse me) identifier is that this man is huge.
It sounds like nothing but a fat shaming joke to me. This puts it into the category of low-brow humor, most popular with low class audiences. If that's a real Trump post he could do better.
Next let's move on to ridiculing disabled people. Same category.
Thank you. And I'm damned proud of it.
Correction: Trump is not making fun of fat people. He is making fun of fat Krispy Kristie.