From what I've seen and heard about it, it is trying to create an Article 5 convention of states to impose term limits on federal officials, restrict spending and budgeting by the federal government, and returns power to the states that the federal government stole form them a long time ago.
We are told by Gen Flynn and Q to get LOCALLY INVOLVED! This is a great way to do it. Apparently, all we have to do is sign the petition and say which state we live in, and it gets counted to the state petition for our state. Over 2 million signatures and growing (though i doubt the counter is accurate).
So far, 17 states have signed the petition, but we would need twice that to convene. If any of you haven't found about this yet, please look into it! A lot of people on our side have endorsed it, including DeSantis, Mark Levin, Rand Paul, and James O'Keefe.
I completely understand your frustration, I think we all feel it. I would like to see the difference a few clean elections would have on our government first. Like I said, if the current election process is used to choose state delegates for the convention the deck is stacked against us. And, a lot people in Congress will end up being delegates anyway.