I wonder if it was your bladder they were scanning, not your prostate? We do monitor intake/output - our bodies are machines and have to have the right balance of fluid.
If you hadn’t voided in x amount of time, after taking in x amount of fluid, we scan your bladder to see how much fluid you are retaining in it.
If it is over 500 mls you get cathed, awake.
A nice nurse may give you a little bit of IV pain med, but you would never go under anesthesia for a catheter. Anywhere in the world.
I wonder if it was your bladder they were scanning, not your prostate? We do monitor intake/output - our bodies are machines and have to have the right balance of fluid.
If you hadn’t voided in x amount of time, after taking in x amount of fluid, we scan your bladder to see how much fluid you are retaining in it.
If it is over 500 mls you get cathed, awake.
A nice nurse may give you a little bit of IV pain med, but you would never go under anesthesia for a catheter. Anywhere in the world.