The other day Montana passed a law that says only “sex” will be on the birth certificate, and not “gender”. They went on to explain that sex is immutable, whereas gender is fluid. Sex will not be allowed to be changed on birth certificate
/r/Trans : this is oppressive.. and causes “agony”
Inagine the “agony” of a child being forced to wear clothes they don’t like. The horror!
Kinda like me growing up. These hand-me-downs are killing me!
The other day Montana passed a law that says only “sex” will be on the birth certificate, and not “gender”. They went on to explain that sex is immutable, whereas gender is fluid. Sex will not be allowed to be changed on birth certificate
/r/Trans : this is oppressive.. and causes “agony”
Inagine the “agony” of a child being forced to wear clothes they don’t like. The horror!
Kinda like me growing up. These hand-me-downs are killing me!