Scripture does not use the word preach, but it does say that women should not be in positions of authority ( teach or rule) over men. Women like Lydia, Priscilla (who worked alongside her husband, Aquilla) even held deaconess type roles, but not elder. 1 Corinthians 11 sets the groundwork for women who may pray or prophesy within the congregation, and the primary requirement is that it is done with the approval of and in subjection to their husbands.
Scripture does not use the word preach, but it does say that women should not be in positions of authority ( teach or rule) over men. Women like Lydia, Priscilla (who worked alongside her husband, Aquilla) even held deaconess type roles, but not elder. 1 Corinthians 11 sets the groundwork for women who may pray or prophesy within the congregation, and the primary requirement is that it is done with the approval of and in subjection to their husbands.