The end of the pLandemic.
You see, the pLandemic was only made possible because we paid for our own demise.
"Biggest transfer of wealth in history."
How do you pay for all the advertisement (propaganda) in the MSM?
How do you pay for all the clot shots; including vials, syringes, band aids, and hush money?
How do you pay for the spin cycle to run 24/7?
How do you pay to silence all the health/life insurance companies about to go bust because their claims have doubled if not tripled?
Well, you need people lining up with their security blankets strapped over their face scared to death that if they don't get some of that juice in their arm they are gonna kill their grandmas.
Once everyone has either died off or nope'd out on their 3rd+ booster, and more vials are expiring than are being used, then the orders stop coming in.
Of course, all the orders are paid for by our tax money.
But you still need to have the numbers come in to place those orders.
We are at that pivotal point in the scam where they cannot find any clinics that want to take the death juice.
Which means, they can't print off the fiat fun bucks to pay for the poison.
Which means, the advertisement campaign is costing more than they can possibly launder through the FED.
Biden says the pandemic is over.
Because they can't pay for the advertisements anymore.
So, why is the MSM all hot and bothered over this statement?
Because their primary source of income is coming from this corrupt administration (and it's Cabal overlords) to run propaganda, no matter the content of said propaganda.
No longer running stories defending the "vaccines" and the pLandemic means they gotta try to operate at the same level with that revenue stream cut off.
How are they gonna manage? It's not like corporations have money to throw around for their merchandise in this plummeting economy. Besides, every fun buck that's printed also affects their "above board" operations as well.
When Biden says the pandemic is over, what we hear is different from what the MSM hears.
What the MSM hears is that their services are no longer required.
Queue CNN (the least profitable of the lot) axing Lemon and Stelter.
If they don't pivot now, CNN's pronouns are gonna be was/were, but for reals this time.
TL;DR: The gravy train has ended. The pandemic's "end" signals that the Biden Administration is too plum strapped for cash to pay for the pandemic propaganda. Time to move on to the next thing -- which is probably nothing at this point, because they have nothing to ride on. Monkeypox plans dead. WW3 plans dead. Polio 2.0 plans dead.
They got nothing left but to double down on chopping children's tits and dicks off. That's the only hill left to die on, and it's pretty damn embarrassing...
Very astute! I appreciate your insight.
thank you for your efforts, not-so-sleepy Dude.
"muh climate change" is the next thing
I'm not so sure on that.
Once the soy boy vegans decide eating some cocktail wieners is the only option left or they'll starve, the climate conspiracy is gonna be ancient history.
The only reason we're forced to give a damn about Climate Change is because people can still feed themselves. When we enter the "eat or be eaten" stage, things are gonna get wild. somewhat related news, I just finished reading a book (fiction) that was published in 2011 that I picked somewhat at random without paying much attention to what it was about, because I had read and enjoyed something else by the same was freakishly like what could be a few years from many things. Flashback, by Dan Simmons if anyone is looking for just an entertaining read. But it will definitely make you go "hmmm". Climate fraud (and total failure of that whole thing), Texas became its own nation, border wars, people living in pods, mass surveillance, world overrun by Islam, you name it, it's all there.
Dan Simmons is one of the few modern mainstream authors that I enjoy and endorse to my friends. He is amazing!
Have you read Flashback?
I read it back when it first came out (I was working at a bookstore and was able to 'check it out' so to speak) and I stayed up way past my bedtime because I didn't want to put it down. I should see if my library has a copy because now I want to read it again. :D
My favorite Dan Simmons is The Terror, and I'm someone who doesn't like the horror genre.
of course with a side of tits and dicks
They can start new bio weapon or finance war propaganda. I think with the right spin they can rally support for new WW3 and suppress remaining freedoms in our metropolis, similar to what they did with slaves in Europe.
They turned 40 million third world country into battle slaves, quite fascinating.
It's a question of funding at this point. The US Dollar is so watered down that pulling something out of their ass is just gonna result in half-assed results.
They can only run on the coals already in the fire. Stopping the train to fill up will mean they'll never get the train to the destination on time.
Which means the MSM's perspective is to double down on what they already have.
Biden's Administration is willing to risk stopping the train, which the rest of them see as waving a white flag. This stunt was probably a litmus test to see which way the wind is blowing among their cronies.
Something tells me they still think the current fire behind the pLandemic coals is enough to get them over the finish line.
Sun Tzu has a saying about taking chances on the battlefield.
because the food shortage, water shortage and economic collapse is the next pandemic.
Not just yet.
What are the tell-tale signs that a company is about to go bankrupt and/or lay off a shit ton of people?
They call in the Bobs.
Surgeon General just said Biden misspoke…the PLANdemic is NOT over.
That's my point.
Imagine you run a lawn-care service.
And you have most of the contracts with the city for doing their lawn work.
And they come in and say "your service are no longer required".
Do you suck it up, or try to bargain and say "You can't fire me! SOMEONE has to cut the grass!"
In other words, they're simply clamoring to keep a sinking ship scooting along in the rapids.
Like a crazy ex-girlfriend, they're gonna stalk a ship that's long since sailed because bitches be crazy, yo.
How? By laundering money in Ukraine and spinning it quietly back into Israel and the U.S. to pay for the entire misadventure. Happening now. Which see.
When the money is spread thin, things need to pay their own way.
The pLandemic is no longer paying for itself. Siphoning much needed funds away from the already cash-strapped Ukraine scuffle which is sucking money not only from the US but from every nation under their control.
Ukraine comes first, the pandemic (at this stage in the game) is nowhere near as important considering the biolabs being unveiled will screw the pooch on the pandemic anyways.
I kind of agree with this but also think the scamdemic and its participation were funded on promises and the bills have come due, in fact are overdue. There is likely increasing behind the scenes pressure on the Biden Facade and the Corporate Extremists running it to meet their promises and pay up. Ukraine is very likely yes a drain on the funds they were vaguely pie in the sky planning to mayyyybe pay what they owed to all their co-conspirators but I believe Ukraine is also being used as a substantial money laundering operation made to look as if it is raising money to help poor little Ukie troops but REALLY to cycle that money Panama Papers style back to leftist and hypercorporatist groups here in the U.S. that are becoming cash short as the White Hats shut down their usual sources of operations bankroll: child sex, child blood, stem cells, so on. I believe they're becoming desperate for money and the WEF is also.
I'm the person who broke the news on /pol/ in fact that WEF was cash strapped and this was behind Trudeau being used to try to fleece truck convoy supporters. The cash was intended by Schwab to be diverted to him and his operation, and shared among the conspirators (American left, Soros, Biden ops, etc). This operation failed. I won't reveal how I know. It would be dangerous for me and fuck doing that to myself to air on some fucking "website", kek. But trust that I and others know a few things and can share them here and there, if low risk.
Entire operation did what typical ops usually do: spent too much on parties, sex, drugs and boys, then wound up strapped when time has come to pay up. One thing techno corporatist fascists allying with Marxists seem blind to but are getting rapidly made wise to: for all their vaunted professed hatred of Capitalism and money, commies are the greediest motherfuckers in the world.
Be late even an hour on their perceived pay THEY WILL GET YOU.
In fact if any White Hats might be reading this, a great way to flush out more whistleblowers would be continue to cut funding from underneath these already cash strapped traitors. The poorer they get, the more demands their co-conspirators will start to make and the more impatient same will get. As fewer bills get paid, since most money will funnel to the top, such as Obama, Rice, Biden and the largely Israeli Anglo and Saudi concerns behind these, more co-conspirators on the payroll who haven't been paid will get increasingly angry then depart, grouse together and start talking. You want this.
Maybe even start raising some funds of your own to pay them to talk freely and provide intel and evidence. In other words, outpayroll the enemy. Pay their former employees and pay them better. Imagine what they'll tell you. :)
Sounds like something a former employee would say... :)
Yes, your comment does. Consider coming over to our side.
Just a harmless joke. Relax, handshake.