posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +33 / -0

The end of the pLandemic.

You see, the pLandemic was only made possible because we paid for our own demise.

"Biggest transfer of wealth in history."

How do you pay for all the advertisement (propaganda) in the MSM?

How do you pay for all the clot shots; including vials, syringes, band aids, and hush money?

How do you pay for the spin cycle to run 24/7?

How do you pay to silence all the health/life insurance companies about to go bust because their claims have doubled if not tripled?

Well, you need people lining up with their security blankets strapped over their face scared to death that if they don't get some of that juice in their arm they are gonna kill their grandmas.

Once everyone has either died off or nope'd out on their 3rd+ booster, and more vials are expiring than are being used, then the orders stop coming in.

Of course, all the orders are paid for by our tax money.

But you still need to have the numbers come in to place those orders.

We are at that pivotal point in the scam where they cannot find any clinics that want to take the death juice.

Which means, they can't print off the fiat fun bucks to pay for the poison.

Which means, the advertisement campaign is costing more than they can possibly launder through the FED.


Biden says the pandemic is over.

Because they can't pay for the advertisements anymore.

So, why is the MSM all hot and bothered over this statement?

Because their primary source of income is coming from this corrupt administration (and it's Cabal overlords) to run propaganda, no matter the content of said propaganda.

No longer running stories defending the "vaccines" and the pLandemic means they gotta try to operate at the same level with that revenue stream cut off.

How are they gonna manage? It's not like corporations have money to throw around for their merchandise in this plummeting economy. Besides, every fun buck that's printed also affects their "above board" operations as well.

When Biden says the pandemic is over, what we hear is different from what the MSM hears.

What the MSM hears is that their services are no longer required.

Queue CNN (the least profitable of the lot) axing Lemon and Stelter.

If they don't pivot now, CNN's pronouns are gonna be was/were, but for reals this time.

TL;DR: The gravy train has ended. The pandemic's "end" signals that the Biden Administration is too plum strapped for cash to pay for the pandemic propaganda. Time to move on to the next thing -- which is probably nothing at this point, because they have nothing to ride on. Monkeypox plans dead. WW3 plans dead. Polio 2.0 plans dead.

They got nothing left but to double down on chopping children's tits and dicks off. That's the only hill left to die on, and it's pretty damn embarrassing...