For me, the point of my awakening was pre-Q, when an incident known as the so-called "vanishing" of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH-370 occurred. There's just way too much surveillance over our skies for me to believe the BS that was relayed by MSM outlets after that. And after that, it was one rabbit hole after another that led me towards getting the full picture of what was truly up. My only real exposure to "conspiracy theories" prior to this point was the (extremely little) knowledge that the rap community (for e.g. Immortal Technique) were speaking about things such as the Illuminati and 9/11 and Reptilians and all of that stuff, and, like any other normie, I refused to believe it. At that time, I clubbed it all in with "tinfoil hatter nonsense", like how the normies now club anything that sounds unbelievable with "flat earther nonsense" and such. But yes, after that flight disappearance incident, I pretty much woke up full-scale in about less than 6 months or so.
What's your awakening story?
They say TRUTH is often stranger than fiction. So here goes my take on things, which I've gathered through going through numerous unusual, and some beyond-unusual sources out there. So this is the information that I resonate with THE most, although I must warn, it may not be for the closed minded. And as with all things, there's NO WAY for me to PROVE like ANY of this, so just take it or leave it for what it's all worth I guess.
My understanding is that the flight known as MH 370 was attacked by weapons that are not OF or FROM the Earth -- for reasons that are perhaps far too many to list here. But I'll nevertheless attempt: specific powerful individuals needing to be eliminated; weapon demonstration for potential buyers, and the like. Now, there is a Divine Law that forbids folks from using extraterrestrial weapons on terrestrial people, and gives that if ever such a situation arise, that the good guys (namely, positive beings of the light, including positive extraterrestrials) are free to intervene for the protection of the said people.
The idea was to take over the pilots minds', have them land the said flight in a remote location, display this power of the said weapon to potential buyers, and then kill off all passengers and have the plane eliminated in a "crash" afterwards.
Now, unfortunately for those ones, the plane was RESCUED by those extraterrestrial beings of a positive, benevolent nature (in accordance with the said divine LAW), and transported to another dimension (which we would perceive as being in our past). And THIS is exactly why not a SINGLE SOURCE has ever claimed that it was a crash at this-exact-specific-place. Because SPECIFYING such a thing would require them to bring out the whole debris, the Black Box, etc....things that they simply have NO WAY of doing. Which is why it is so that every few months/years or so, they keep (inconclusively) pointing to a DIFFERENT place wherein the said plane (supposedly) "crash-landed."
In any case, there is NO WAY that this plane just "disappeared" because there's a literal SHIT-TON of satellites -- not to mention an even greater number of spy satellites -- keeping a watch on every last nook and corner of the planet now with advanced technologies that are BEYOND our comprehension even. So NO WAY was the plane just able to vanish under such circumstances, that's just BULLSHIT. Also, because they all keep blaming it all on rUsSiA, as their (usual) ways go.
As far as what happened to the passengers upon that plane, from what I understand, they have been put in a state of stasis; they will not age, nor will they need to eat or sleep (within this dimension). And, at the opportune moment, perhaps after First Contact (with the ETs) is done many years from now, they will be returned as-is to our planet; free to live and do as they please.
Hope this helps! :)
Reminds me of the missing Australian Pilot Fred Valentich fren.
Wasn't there a TV series about a plane and passengers that went missing into a different time/dimension/space or something. Manifest? Departure? Can't recall. Also, 'extraterrestrial' means 'more land'. Could there be more land that we don't have access too?
Manifest. It's on Netflix.