PDJT is a flawed, but ultimately good man who like a few leaders in the past and present of earth's history is being guided by God in this age old battle of light vs dark.
I don’t like the use of this term In this context bc the masses were fooled by a “savior” who turns out to be the antichrist. Reminds me of project bluebeam as well.
I third that.
PDJT is a flawed, but ultimately good man who like a few leaders in the past and present of earth's history is being guided by God in this age old battle of light vs dark.
Agree. And there is no doubt God is working through him for the good of mankind.
Amen to that!
true but he could be like Jehu in the old testament.
I don’t like the use of this term In this context bc the masses were fooled by a “savior” who turns out to be the antichrist. Reminds me of project bluebeam as well.