You don't understand anything. The Japanese were fighting tooth and nail. We had already fire-bombed Tokyo with no apparent effect on their zeal. The first atom bomb (Little Boy, Hiroshima) was untested (not enough U-235 for a test bomb)---but there was no doubt that it would work, and of course it did. The second bomb (Fat Man, Nagasaki) was a plutonium implosion weapon that had been tested at the Trinity site a month previous. It took the second bomb to get the Emperor to countermand his advisors. There was no experimental purpose for the second weapon. (A third weapon was available.)
Making diplomatic feelers may be "seeking peace," but they wanted it on their terms. The U.S. made it clear: no terms but ours. At that point, the war had gone on too long and too viciously. It was either surrender or die. And it took two bombs to get their attention to the fact that they could die WITHOUT HONOR.
I will admit, I didn't make that capitalized connection until just now. The Japanese were willing to sacrifice every last man to heroic resistance. But to die in swathes like grass burned away from a fire...there would be no honor in that. In being turned into cooked sausage in the blink of an eye, irresistible. Worse, even, than fire-bombing.
I don't give the Japanese any credit or charity for "seeking peace." They should have sought peace before they conceived of their plan of conquest, rape, and pillage. Some elements of Hitler's government were also "seeking peace" through diplomatic footsie by undelegated persons. Meaningless, excusing nothing.
In the end, the Japanese surrendered without terms, their worst imaginable fate, and it turned out better than anyone could have imagined (after MacArthur's post-war governorship).
You don't understand anything. The Japanese were fighting tooth and nail. We had already fire-bombed Tokyo with no apparent effect on their zeal. The first atom bomb (Little Boy, Hiroshima) was untested (not enough U-235 for a test bomb)---but there was no doubt that it would work, and of course it did. The second bomb (Fat Man, Nagasaki) was a plutonium implosion weapon that had been tested at the Trinity site a month previous. It took the second bomb to get the Emperor to countermand his advisors. There was no experimental purpose for the second weapon. (A third weapon was available.)
i understand what you are saying. its what we all were taught..but when you start digging..its not the same
The Japanese were seeking peace before the first one was dropped
Making diplomatic feelers may be "seeking peace," but they wanted it on their terms. The U.S. made it clear: no terms but ours. At that point, the war had gone on too long and too viciously. It was either surrender or die. And it took two bombs to get their attention to the fact that they could die WITHOUT HONOR.
I will admit, I didn't make that capitalized connection until just now. The Japanese were willing to sacrifice every last man to heroic resistance. But to die in swathes like grass burned away from a fire...there would be no honor in that. In being turned into cooked sausage in the blink of an eye, irresistible. Worse, even, than fire-bombing.
I don't give the Japanese any credit or charity for "seeking peace." They should have sought peace before they conceived of their plan of conquest, rape, and pillage. Some elements of Hitler's government were also "seeking peace" through diplomatic footsie by undelegated persons. Meaningless, excusing nothing.
In the end, the Japanese surrendered without terms, their worst imaginable fate, and it turned out better than anyone could have imagined (after MacArthur's post-war governorship).
i could tell you stories of Gen MacArthur. but i wont thats between me and my grandfather who served with him in korea .