You are very fortunate. I have had allergies (and asthma) my entire life (I'm 64). I've never had the vaxx and still suffer with allergies. I have noticed that my allergies have worsened over the decades. It seems as if more people have allergies, too. I've always thought it was because of the chemicals in our environment. My opinion. though. I don't really know why.
You are very fortunate. I have had allergies (and asthma) my entire life (I'm 64). I've never had the vaxx and still suffer with allergies. I have noticed that my allergies have worsened over the decades. It seems as if more people have allergies, too. I've always thought it was because of the chemicals in our environment. My opinion. though. I don't really know why.
Its the food we eat.
Its the air we breath.
Its the water we drink.
Hi Alice, please check your dms for some info.
Any info on this would be appreciated.
Sure. Check your dms.