We make a lot of excuses for people who are still moving with the program. Rationalizing their behavior with things like "I once was one of them" or "They're too scared to face the truth".
But were you like one of them? Are they really scared to face the truth?
I think the vast majority who are still sleeping are incapable of seeing it.
Many, if not all of the major religions around the world speak of "the chosen" repeatedly in their scriptures.
This is something I think may have been lost in translation through out the centuries. It's always been described as people who believe and remain steadfast. But is that really what it means?
I know religious folk (Christians, Muslims, Sikhs etc) who just do what they are told by their particular church/mosque/temple etc. No real critical thinking, repeat actions only out pure fear or habit.
Ask them about covid, the deep state, mass manipulation, false flags, weather manipulation, royal families, banking schemes, demonic possession or whatever else and they will look at you with blank eyes or just immediately dismiss everything you say.
I truly don't believe the majority is capable of seeing "it" nor will they ever.
They can be molded into behaving against a particular system but they can never truly think for themselves. Lots of people on this very site are like that. They were all in to the system prior to Q and then went all into Q after and now fervently defend it just as normies defend government. Not that Q and government are synonymous, but rather the behavior in both followers is similar.
One of the largest ever NPC gatherings just occurred in the 18 hour long line ups for the queen of babylons funeral. They stood there like bots on a line for 18 hours just to nod or wave like an idiot at a billionaires rotten corpse after paying for the rotten corpses funeral themselves during a recession lol.
"The Chosen" could mean anything. I'm not convinced we understand what it means but it sure as hell ain't some religious NPC.
"The chosen" ---> spiritually aware/grounded/present by individual choice.
Those that are not have "outsourced their intellectual sovereignty" (aka "brainwashed") and are unable to recognize that is their "blind trust in authority" that prevents recognition and understanding. And further, the "authorities" that they trust have also fallen prey to this same phenomena.
I have stacked dozens of absolute FACTS on numerous subjects to these types and their essential response is: "Nah, I'll stick with the establishment experts assessments and opinions".
I can understand where these people are coming from as many are "experts" themselves in their particular line of work and they realize how much study/learning/training they had to go through to get where they are. Thus, as such they ASSUME & PRESUME other "experts" like doctors had to go through similar, if not greater edumacation to get where they are so they absolutely must know what they're talking about.
But what these people fail to recognize is that there's a massive difference between hard sciences with laws and rules based in "reality" (e.g. engineering) versus those which include soft sciences like allopathic medicine or those based on man-made rules like the "legal system", both of which have their foundations in artificial models based on numerous theories (e.g. germ theory, cancer-treatment theory) and/or giving life to false premises (corp-orations) as being "real". While "in reality" both of these must break immutable natural "LAWS" in order to pull off their deceptions.
I keep coming back around to this quote that I've forgotten who said it: "Allow me just one ASSUMPTION and I can explain anything.", but this is ultimately HOW the deception is pulled off -> ASSUMPTIONS.
The regular recognition of a "higher power" clears this mental assumption fog (monkey-mind) and allows for the seeing through of said assumptions. And it is not about what you believe, but rather "how you BE", ala grateful, thankful, humble, compassionate, caring, kind, generous, etc. It's about what one emanates from their core beingness. You can see it in the eyes, in the countenance of those that are doing so. And likewise, you can see the absence of it in the crazy eyes, often pointed out here on GA (e.g. Shifty Schiff), of those that are deeply brainwashed and deluded.
The cabal has taken full advantage of the fact that one of the most basic human needs, after food, water, shelter/safety, is the need to "belong to a group". This is the "safety in numbers" phenomena, or "herd mentality", which is basically a primitive survival instinct that most certainly has paid dividends in the past. However, we are in the process of moving out of and away from how things worked in the past. And many members on this board are leading the way toward this new "great awakening".
I remain hopeful that the majority will eventually come around once the evidence of their false trust is all but irrefutable. As Yuri Bezemov told G. Edward Griffin in his interview about cultural subversion, some won't "wake up" until they have a boot stomping their head into the ground. That may be what it finally takes for a good portion of the sleepers and that may be why Q said "it had to be this way" and that they can't be told, but rather have to be shown.
And I do agree, many here now literally "outsource their intellectual sovereignty" to Q, ASSUMING every word said was gospel truth. I agree with you that they are all but certainly relatively new to Q. Had they been with Q from the start they would have gone through one letdown after another and come to realize that the Q psyop had little to do with "telling the truth" but instead encouraged free-thinking and breaking away from the mainstream narrative.
Thus, "The chosen" are those that quite literally "choose themselves" by opting out of mainstream culture/society, by withholding judgment, by stepping out of fear, by helping their neighbor, etc. It is simple acts like these that open the way forward. They bring "clear sight". And it is utterly baffling to those with "clear sight" as to why others without it can't see the same things. Such is the nature of consciousness where beliefs=veils. The more beliefs and lack of sovereign critical thinking, the less that is seen.