We make a lot of excuses for people who are still moving with the program. Rationalizing their behavior with things like "I once was one of them" or "They're too scared to face the truth".
But were you like one of them? Are they really scared to face the truth?
I think the vast majority who are still sleeping are incapable of seeing it.
Many, if not all of the major religions around the world speak of "the chosen" repeatedly in their scriptures.
This is something I think may have been lost in translation through out the centuries. It's always been described as people who believe and remain steadfast. But is that really what it means?
I know religious folk (Christians, Muslims, Sikhs etc) who just do what they are told by their particular church/mosque/temple etc. No real critical thinking, repeat actions only out pure fear or habit.
Ask them about covid, the deep state, mass manipulation, false flags, weather manipulation, royal families, banking schemes, demonic possession or whatever else and they will look at you with blank eyes or just immediately dismiss everything you say.
I truly don't believe the majority is capable of seeing "it" nor will they ever.
They can be molded into behaving against a particular system but they can never truly think for themselves. Lots of people on this very site are like that. They were all in to the system prior to Q and then went all into Q after and now fervently defend it just as normies defend government. Not that Q and government are synonymous, but rather the behavior in both followers is similar.
One of the largest ever NPC gatherings just occurred in the 18 hour long line ups for the queen of babylons funeral. They stood there like bots on a line for 18 hours just to nod or wave like an idiot at a billionaires rotten corpse after paying for the rotten corpses funeral themselves during a recession lol.
"The Chosen" could mean anything. I'm not convinced we understand what it means but it sure as hell ain't some religious NPC.
God gave us all Free Will.
Some of us choose to exercise our Free Will on a regular basis... even if it leads to tough situations or requires extra effort on our part.
Others NEVER use their Free Will. Instead, they prefer the comfort of letting other people make their decisions for them... and living on handouts, or even as soulless drones.
We all were given the same Free Will. NPC's is the name given to those who decided never to use it.
You make the claim that they choose to let others make decisions for them. I don't agree with this. I believe they are incapable of making decisions outside of the "matrix".
If God gave every single person true Free Will, then I'm not sure the system would ever function. It makes more sense to me that the vast majority would be given a sense of free will but not the full show. While a small population are burdened by genuine Free Will (note usage of capitalization).
I think genuine Free Will is a burden wrapped by a blessing.
In Islam they refer to the chosen as the people of knowledge. In the Bible the chosen are-
"For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the people who are on the face of the earth"
The Khazarian system would have you think these are the Jews. I don't think this is the case. Not in the slighest.
I'm legitimately starting to think that people awake such as ourselves are able to feel something like the Force. For some reason we could feel the danger of the matrix lurking even before we had the words to describe it.
So many people are on SSRI's and other crazy drugs. Those types of people seem the deepest in the matrix. I think those drugs along with vaccines, plastics in food etc all lower ones ability to feel the Force, hear their souls inner voice, and talk to God.
Honestly, it's probably a lot of things working in tandem to generate the force-like effect you mentioned.
You want my take? It's pursuing Truth.
When you pursue Truth, you have the same destination as everyone else. No matter where you start, or how you travel, as long as your internal compass points towards Truth, you will find your way eventually.
The other component is the weird way in which our mind/psyche/etc. is layered. Most people seem to think the conscious mind is the "king", but in reality it is a weird amalgamation of instinct, survival techniques, defensive mal-adaptive tendencies like denial, cognitive dissonance, and a variety of other influences. This would warrant a whole post on its own.
Point is not to say we lack free will, however, but that we simply have a lot to influence/distract us as well. The human brain is actually amazing at pattern recognition that the conscious mind has almost zero awareness of. We simply see it as "intuition" a lot of the time.
Perhaps the rest of the time it is a source like God. I would be happy if that were the case.
Yes, but WHY do some people recognize that Truth should always be the focus, while other people not only dismiss such an idea -- and even seem to prefer to live according to lies?