If you have been listening to him for the last year or more then you would know that what you perceive as a jump in logic is actually a quick reference to stuff that he has compellingly gone over indepthly in other videos. He was right about predicting a media casualty last October in that we got "Lets Go Brandon" which did slap a lot of normies, late October he thought that did not pan out but it became clear with time that that was the casualty. I tend to take his predictions with a grain of salt and he seems to too for the most part, but I do think his material is good for thought otherwise and there does seem to be something there with his psycho-linguistic algorithm
Supposedly the Talmud is written about space aliens and their requirements for their followers. Clif did a whole video on Mauro Biglino who is supposed to be THE translator for the Vatican who has read a vast amount of the oldest versions (Aramaic and Greek) of the old testament and that it is not about "God" but gods and that Yahweh was like a space alien king/elite/ruler who had dominion over the Jewish peoples while there were other space alien elites around the planet doing the same thing. It was compelling for sure when you branch out and look into Mauro Biglino and the whole alternative interpretation of the old testament. To me it is just as possible as the interpretation churches like to feed us, but I do not study ancient languages so I have no way to verify which interpretation is correct.
I would call Clif a modern day fortune teller based on the algorithm he developed and its purpose. It is something that is up for interpretation and not to trust blindly in, and he seems to operate that way too. What remains to be sussed out for me is whether he genuinely did see the rise of Bitcoin coming and he for real gambled on it or if he had DS connections that gave him a confident heads up.
I agree on Jack Posobiec that 99% of his stuff is good food for thought, I always approach him knowing he is likely Mossad if the Q post about him and Alex Jones are not deliberate misinfo.
You are trying to dig at me but you don't understand the vast quantities of info I attempt to consume and distill into fact; but usually there are no facts and just claims. If you can't see it, touch it, smell it for yourself, how can you really know? I generally approach everything as bullshit and only continue if I am entertained/interested. Clif High is very entertaining and interesting to me and I make no claims to his validity but I do think his insights are interesting to consider and that he may be telling some truths like his idea of a solar system model where the sun is moving through space and the planets trail behind in a spiraling fashion. It just makes sense too when you think about the positions we see planets in the earth's sky, but even with this, it sounds good like the accepted solar system disk does, however, I am no geometry/trigonometry and astronomy expert who can verify for themselves.
If you have been listening to him for the last year or more then you would know that what you perceive as a jump in logic is actually a quick reference to stuff that he has compellingly gone over indepthly in other videos. He was right about predicting a media casualty last October in that we got "Lets Go Brandon" which did slap a lot of normies, late October he thought that did not pan out but it became clear with time that that was the casualty. I tend to take his predictions with a grain of salt and he seems to too for the most part, but I do think his material is good for thought otherwise and there does seem to be something there with his psycho-linguistic algorithm
I missed the compelling lecture on how the Talmud was written for aliens?
So he's a fortune teller?
99% of Jack Posobiec's material is good for thought.
Supposedly the Talmud is written about space aliens and their requirements for their followers. Clif did a whole video on Mauro Biglino who is supposed to be THE translator for the Vatican who has read a vast amount of the oldest versions (Aramaic and Greek) of the old testament and that it is not about "God" but gods and that Yahweh was like a space alien king/elite/ruler who had dominion over the Jewish peoples while there were other space alien elites around the planet doing the same thing. It was compelling for sure when you branch out and look into Mauro Biglino and the whole alternative interpretation of the old testament. To me it is just as possible as the interpretation churches like to feed us, but I do not study ancient languages so I have no way to verify which interpretation is correct.
I would call Clif a modern day fortune teller based on the algorithm he developed and its purpose. It is something that is up for interpretation and not to trust blindly in, and he seems to operate that way too. What remains to be sussed out for me is whether he genuinely did see the rise of Bitcoin coming and he for real gambled on it or if he had DS connections that gave him a confident heads up.
I agree on Jack Posobiec that 99% of his stuff is good food for thought, I always approach him knowing he is likely Mossad if the Q post about him and Alex Jones are not deliberate misinfo.
You are trying to dig at me but you don't understand the vast quantities of info I attempt to consume and distill into fact; but usually there are no facts and just claims. If you can't see it, touch it, smell it for yourself, how can you really know? I generally approach everything as bullshit and only continue if I am entertained/interested. Clif High is very entertaining and interesting to me and I make no claims to his validity but I do think his insights are interesting to consider and that he may be telling some truths like his idea of a solar system model where the sun is moving through space and the planets trail behind in a spiraling fashion. It just makes sense too when you think about the positions we see planets in the earth's sky, but even with this, it sounds good like the accepted solar system disk does, however, I am no geometry/trigonometry and astronomy expert who can verify for themselves.