This is my rant against those pushing the "Khazarian Mafia" narrative.
There's a group of patriots worldwide who are ready to hang the world's elites and their minions. Every day, more patriots join the fold, and every day we get more angry at this globalist group. These elites need no explanation, we already know who they are. But, for the sake of this post, I'll outline who they are in exact detail.
Most actors, who became famous by being given parts because elites have kompromat on them.
Most politicians, who were ushered in by dominion because they've been ordained to win (because elites who control dominion have kompromat on them).
Most leadership of large companies that have boards of directors (because the CIA infiltrated them and installed their own as directors).
All leadership of NGOs that are given public tax dollars, as a money-laundering operation, who are controlled via kompromat or ideology.
Most leadership of colleges which have been infiltrated by communists, brainwashing youth on behalf of elites.
Most leadership of healthcare, from administration to doctors, who are knowingly pushing worldwide depopulation goals of elites, controlled by threat to their livelihood if they don't comply.
There are probably tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of individuals who are involved in this massive group. What they share in common is being compelled to do the bidding of the globalist elite, either from kompromat (pictures of them having sex with children) or bribery.
These tens or hundreds of thousands of individuals are receiving their orders from somewhere. From face value what is knowable from observing the news, and from reading Q posts and all the research available out there, we pretty much know exactly who this top-rung of elitists are.
They are the Bilderbergs, including specific named individuals and families such as Rothschild, Soros, Vanderbilt, other banking families, the WEF, and the CFR. We don't speak much about the Saudis, because Trump/Q neutralized them early-on, but also the house of Saud, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal and the Muslim brotherhood who funded and propped-up Obama.
Nothing above is surprising to anyone, or even controversial. At most, perhaps I didn't name someone you think should be listed, and for the most part I probably would agree with anyone you suggest ... the list isn't fully inclusive.
But for the most part, above is who we're up against. We know exactly who they are. There is no doubt, no confusion, no contention.
Then enter those pushing the Khazarian Mafia narrative.
Their main goal is to convince you that the people above either 1) are the same ethnic group, or 2) don't belong to that ethnic group so they aren't important.
But there's more.
They also are very fond of Naziism, and will go out of their way to tell you how Hitler was a good person and was only protecting his nation of Christians who were fighting against the evil Khazarian Mafia.
Who are the Khazarians, according to those who push this narrative? They can't decide. Some think they're Jews. Some think they hide among Jews, but aren't really Jews. Some think they're mostly Jews. Being vague is key, because if they insist they are all Jews then their posts get removed and they risk getting banned.
Those pushing the Khazarian Mafia narrative bring nothing to the table. They aren't pointing their fingers at unknown bad guys. They're re-branding the known bad guys, from the list above that we already know about to convince you that they are from some extremely vague ethnicity.
The end result of listening to the arguments of those pushing this narrative, over the span of nearly three years now, is that they are not interested in the bad things that elites have done. Bringing them to justice is not their goal. They have one goal, that is to convince you of the ethnicity of these bad guys, while being as vague about that ethnicity as they possibly can.
Those pushing this narrative would define Khazarians as such: "From the area of Ukraine". "Not Jews, but they look like Jews because they've labeled themselves as Jews, so all the bad sterotypes you think are Jews are actually Khazarians".
Now, keep in mind, you already know who all the bad guys are. Why would you need to be convinced they're from Ukraine? Why would you need to be convinced they look like Jews? How does this information help you bring the bad guys to justice?
It doesn't.
If there is evidence that someone engaged in child trafficking, then they go to jail or get hanged for child trafficking. Their ethnicity is irrelevant.
If someone laundered billions of dollars through an NGO back into their bank account, you already know who they are and can bring them to justice. Their ethnicity is irrelevant.
Out in the wild, if you start talking about muh "Khazarian Mafia", nobody knows what you're talking about. This brings me to one of the original threads back on Voat that I saw discussing the Khazarian Mafia a long time ago.
I have slowly been red pilling a few family members and a friend by telling them how worried I am about the "Khazarian Mafia." Of course they have no idea what Khazaria is but listen to all my stories of how horrible these people are... I simply say it's an ancient country near Russia... I never mention "jew." I am hoping once they are hooked and start to research further they will make the connection to the jews... seems to be working but will have to see.
People who use the term "Khazarian Mafia" would gladly be calling them all Jews if they thought they can get away with it. But they know they can't, that they'll get their posts deleted and probably get banned. So instead, they use "Khazarian" as a synonym for Jews.
I've noticed a thing or two about all the people who push the Khazarian Mafia narrative. They all seem to hate Trump. Just now, there is a pro-Khazaraian Mafia narrative post that is stickied:
Linking to this article:
Scroll down and look at the image with Trump in it:
An image of Trump with a 6-star brooch and an unflattering face.
Those who push the Khazarian Mafia narrative the hardest absolutely hate Trump. Because Trump has Khazarian (oops I mean Jewish) children. They hate Trump as much as your average democrat. Perhaps they are democrats?
The stickied article listed above makes all kinds of arguments that are pro-Hitler.
Hitler introduced a financial system that was free of usury and beneficial to the working class.
Hitler became a problem for the KM when he broke free and begin acting in the interests of the German people and the free people of the world
The gist of it is this: Hiter was good because Hitler was against the same people we're against.
Why am I posting this thread?
Because I am disgusted by Hitler and the Nazi party. They are the enemy. Read some Q posts, many are about how evil Naziism is and how they endured to this day through project paperclip. Soros was/is a Nazi. CNN's Anderson Cooper's Vanderbilt mother wore Nazi symbolism (search for the Q post yourself). Naziism and Communism are two sides of the same coin.
All the bad guys in Ukraine right now? Actual Nazis. Many want you to think they're "Khazarian" aka "Jews", but those Nazi troops hate Jews just as much as they do.
Hitler and Naziism are the two worst brands in history. Everyone in the US has been taught to hate Nazis from their youth. Imagine the average newcomer-to-Q landing on the front page and finding pro-Naziism rhetoric -- they would (rightly) be disgusted and leave, never to come back.
Like I said in the beginning, there is already a large group of patriots who hate everyone listed at the top of this post. Re-labeling that list as "Khazarians" and making people accept Naziism as a redpill in order to hold that list accountable is outrageous and ridiculous.
Enough with the Khazarian Mafiatardism around here. It serves no purpose other than to promote Naziism. It identifies nobody that hasn't already been identified. Hitler and Naziism sucks.
We are all taught history from people who have an agenda. Some of those people have an agenda of promoting truth, but many have a hidden agenda to push propaganda.
In more recent years, we have all been exposed to ideas that are contrary to what we were previously taught. That requires us to consider the evidence for multiple viewpoints, and use our critical thinking skills to do our best to figure out what the truth is.
TRUTH is our goal, right?
Wherever the evidence leads us is where we should go.
"He who fails to learn from history is condemned to repeat it." -- George Santayana
Problem is, if we are lied to about history, then we cannot learn the valuable lessons from it, and that puts us into a position of being condemned to repeat the mistakes of the past.
We know that the Bible, written almost 2,000 years ago, tells us that there are individuals in society who claim to be jews but are not. How would this be known back then, if it were not true? Just made up fantasy? If so, then future events would not have played out as they did. This points to it being true.
The Talmud was written around 1,500 years ago. The Talmud is a key element of the Jewish religion. Even jews who claim they have never read it are still influenced by it. They are influenced by other jews in their synagogues who do agree with the Talmud.
The Talmud teaches that non-jews are not human, have no human rights, and should be treated as nothing more than slaves. This is THE (not one of, but the ONLY) book that teaches jews how to live as jews. Again, even jews who do not read it and do not believe it are still influence by it due to other jews pushing the Talmudic agenda.
We have dozens (probably hundreds or thousands, when all languages are considered) of rabbis and other jewish leaders pushing Talmudic teachings. We have orthodox jews on video making statements that they agree with Talmudic teachings.
This is a serious problem for any non-jew.
It also becomes a problem for jews, because as more and more non-jews wake up to the fact that the jewish religion pushes maniacal teachings that are aimed at their destruction, non-jews naturally rebel against such filth.
Remember, that book was written 1,500+ years ago.
Around 1,000+ years ago, the little kindom of Khazaria was created. Modern history books do not mention it. 99% of non-jews never learn about Khazaria -- at least, not as they are growing up. Why is that?
As the story goes, the Khazarians adopted judiasm as their religion, but in name only. They continued to practice their satanic ways. But since they had the Talmud's teachings to utilize as jews, is it REALLY so different from "normal" judiasm? Is sacraficing children, for example, against Talmudic teachings? No, not if the murdered child is non-jew.
Naturally, the communites nearby to the Khazarians developed a deep distrust and hatred for the Khazars -- due to the Khazar's ACTIONS, not merely because they disagreed with their beliefs.
The story then goes that the Khazars had to bail out of central Asia and disburse, due to everyone hating their guts.
This part of the story is consistent with both the Bible and the fact that jews have been kicked out of numerous societies over the past 1,000 years -- DUE TO THEIR DISGUSTING ACTIONS TO HARM THE SOCIETY THEY LIVED IN.
Societies kicking out jews over 1,000 years is an interesting timeline: soon after the Talmud was written, problems showed up.
Karl Marx was a jew, and his evil communist ideology had taken hold in some sectors of society by the turn of the 20th century.
Jews tried to overthrow the government of Russia in 1905. That attempted coup failed.
Jews tried again in 1917, and this time they were successful, including the brutal torture and murder of the czar and his family. They took over Russia in the guise of communism.
Around that same time, jews in Germany were secretly plotting with jews in England and the USA to commit treason against their own (German) people by getting the USA into WWI, since the Germans were winning that war. The result was the Balfor Declaration, which promised Palestine to the jews, if England could turn things around and win the war.
USA enters the war, England wins, England takes Palestine from the Ottoman Empire, and jews begin migrating to Palestine and disrupting the people living there.
After WWI, the Germans discover the treason that the German jews engaged in to stab them in the back. They reacted by developing a distrust, and some a hatred, towards the people who committed treason against them.
Hitler was one of those who saw the back stabbing as treason, and vowed to do something about it.
Meanwhile, the same jews who had recently overthrown Russia were infiltrating and attempting to overthrow Germany, as well.
Poland was being run by jews who were committing rape, murder, and various atrocities against the ethnic Germans living there (the borders had changed due to the treaty after WWI).
The world economy was in a depression following WWI and the roaring 20's, but nowhere in the western world was it worse than in Germany. They never had a roaring 20's. They only had hyperinflation and misery.
Berlin became the porn capital, prostitution capital, and misery capital of Europe. The people were starving due to the sanctions put on them after the war, and jews were infiltrating the government, media, business, and universities.
Hitler was seen as the man fighting against the jewish machine. Jews had a long history (1,000+ years) of destroying societies -- because of Talmudic teachings -- and the German people were experiencing this horrible situation, just as the Russians had been enduring for a decade or more.
Hitler comes to power, and the worlds' jews ("World Jewry" they called it) ... DECLARED WAR ON GERMANY in 1933.
Jews of the world got together to boycott German goods and do everything they could to destroy Germany.
Hitler baned usury, which was destructive to the banks, run by jews.
Hitler banned the prostitution and porn industry, also run by jews.
Germans burned books -- porn and filth books -- published by jews.
Hitler made a deal with jewish leadership to ship the jews out of Germany, and ideally out of Europe, and off to Palestine where they said they wanted to be, anyway. It was a win-win deal. The jewish leadership agreed to it. And thousands of jews did move to Palestine. Getting them to go to Palestine was the "final solution." Just get them OUT, so they could not cause more problems within.
Hitler was attempting to kick the communists out of Germany because they were trying to do a Russia 2.0 in Germany. They not only were traitors from WWI, but also seditionists in the 1930's.
Hitler had many of these communist leaders, who were mostly jews, arrested and put into prison camps, Not all jews went to prison camps, and many jews served in the German military, including high-ranking officers.
Hitler's chauffeur and bodyguard was a jew.
When a jew walked into the German embassy in Paris and murdered a German diplomat, the German people reacted by throwing bricks into the windows of jew-owned businesses in Germany. But then Hitler put a stop to the violence.
When jews in Poland were murdering ethnic Germans in Poland, Hitler demanded they stopped. When they did not stop, Hitler appealed to two dozen nations in Europe and the rest of the world (pre-United Nations) to side with him to get them to stop. Nobody would do anything about it.
So, Hitler gave the Polish government an ultimatum: Stop, or we will come in with our military and make you stop.
When the Polish government told him to fuck off, he sent in his military and ended the genocide within 48 hours.
THAT is when Churchill pushed the "war" button and started WWII.
The prison camps for communists and jews who were engaged in war against Germay from the inside were turned into prisoner of war camps, until the war was over.
There were NO gas chambers. Hence, there was no "Holocaust."
This lie about the Holocaust MUST be openly discussed, so that we can learn from the REAL history.
I don't like everything Hitler did. He is not my "hero." But he did great things for the German people, and he did NOT do the horrible things to "innocent jews" like he is portrayed to have done in the jew-controlled media and fantasy called Hollywood.
The Talmud teaches jews that it is GOOD TO LIE, if it promotes the cause of judiasm. This principle must ALWAYS be kept in mind, when reading or listening to jewish opinion -- including the lies that they told about the Holocaust (some of whom are on the record that they made up their stories BECAUSE it was "important" for the cause).
So much history has been hidden -- on purpose.
That is what "occult" means: hidden knowledge.
And much of what we are told is history is actually a made-up lie. (Think: Covid)
If we don't learn and discuss history, we will never learn important lessons from history, so that our future can be better.
Not ALL jews are bad people. But their religion teaches VERY DESTRUCTIVE ideas, even if they themselves pretend to ignore it.
It is not even jews, per se. It is the Talmudic ideas that are evil, and any other ideas that have a similar concept. The concept is that "WE can do anything we want, and YOU will be our slave." One does not need to be jewish to have that menality, and not all jews have it.
But there ARE people in this world who do.
THOSE people are the enemy of all other people.
However, ALL jews are influenced by these evil teachings, whether they realize it or not. If they have any religious aspect of their life, there will be other jews who influence them to some degree. Even though there are many good people who are jews, there are many other jews who are not good people. And the Talmud's concepts are the primary reason these people are the way they are.
The good ones should learn about history, just like the rest of us need to do, and then should SPEAK OUT against those jews (and non-jews) who push these evil ideas.
TRUTH is what matters.
We should have an OPEN discussion where people can present ideas and debate those ideas, so that we all have a chance at trying to figure out what the TRUTH is.
ANY attempt to censor such a discusion is itself ... EVIL.