Should the US support Ukraine?- should we crush this poll?
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Responses as of 4:30 PM CDT.
Have you been following the war in Ukraine? Yes: 96.1% No: 3.9%
Should the United States support Ukraine in it's fight against Russia? Yes: 23.4% No: 76.6%
Should the United States be doing more or less to aid Ukraine? More: 18.9% Less: 19.3% Do not be involved in European conflicts: 61.8%
Who do you have a more favorable opinion of, Joe Biden, or Vladimir Putin? Joe Biden: 20.2% Vladimir Putin: 79.8%
Should the United States offer to aide Europe with fossil fuel to help them be independent of Russian oil and gas?
The last question asked about political leaning. 62.9% of respondents are Republican or conservative.
63% conservatives BUT 76% No to Ukraine AND 80% Putin > Biden
That's a healthy amount (by %) of Democrat identifying folks bucking the narrative their party has tried to sell them. The TV ain't working no more. They don't know how to do it without that!