I AM a woman (check out my name smooth brain). So blow off with your "you insulted women in general as weak minded." I did nothing of the sort, and rather said that older generations are more likely to follow whatever MSM says.
I was making a hypothesis on the image, I don't know the true meaning of it and only suspected of what Q meant by using that one in particular.
Here's exactly what I said in the first comment: "Young boys and men represent the new generation...older woman represents older generations." I was referring to the PEOPLE in the PICTURE, NOT ACTUAL people in the world. The boys LOOKING at the picture represent the new generation who accepts Q. The woman LOOKING away from the picture represents the older generation who rejects anything but MSM talking points.
Stop being a moron on purpose to pick a fight please.
Okay here we go.
I AM a woman (check out my name smooth brain). So blow off with your "you insulted women in general as weak minded." I did nothing of the sort, and rather said that older generations are more likely to follow whatever MSM says.
I was making a hypothesis on the image, I don't know the true meaning of it and only suspected of what Q meant by using that one in particular.
Here's exactly what I said in the first comment: "Young boys and men represent the new generation...older woman represents older generations." I was referring to the PEOPLE in the PICTURE, NOT ACTUAL people in the world. The boys LOOKING at the picture represent the new generation who accepts Q. The woman LOOKING away from the picture represents the older generation who rejects anything but MSM talking points.
Stop being a moron on purpose to pick a fight please.
"I don't give a rats ass if you are female or male." Oh, so who is the sexist one again?
Love that you're getting so worked up over an interpretation of a Q post. I'm sure all the honeys are after you ;)