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We are in a matrix at multiple levels. At the topmost level, our soul is trapped in a body in 3 dimensions and disconnected from the Source - this is the level of Matrix that ancient Hindus/Buddhists called "Maya" (Mirage). Humans can transcend this level if they can find their spiritual connection to the source, but it will take a lifetime. This is what ancients called "Nirvana"
At the lowest level, we are trapped in the matrix of our own making - every time we go into a denial about anything we find it hard to accept - perhaps our own failures, or our own actions that hurt others, or actions by our loved ones that hurt us, abuse etc - it creates a level of delusion removed from reality. Everyone has a bit of this, but the more you have this, the more it becomes a mental problem (like the far-left and their delusional thinking).
In between these two levels, there is the matrix created by the Cabal - hiding the true reality and forcing us to be their slaves using their systems - the one Great Awakening is fighting against.
While I find your perspective fascinating I have to say that I firmly believe we are in the World created by God, as written to us in the Bible.
I think the root of our society's evil is the Devil and his minions.
Clif high says that voyager changed the thinking that this is a hologram..I think he said they found a firewall whatever that means....
So is the earth real? We are in a matrix inside a real earth?
How did we get trapped into coming here?
Do we have to keep coming back until we get it right?
I watched the episode in which Clif talks about the voyager hitting the firewall. Basically it means there is stuff in deep space and not vacuum as we were lead to believe. This changes the entire modern physics. He also said that this means nothing can enter or exit the solar system, and hence aliens could not have visited Earth (but quickly pointed out that Nammo were probably an exception).
Personally I think jumping to this conclusion based on the fact that voyager hit something is a bit premature. For instance it could be that there were gaps in the firewall that we are not aware if, or even its not really a firewall but just some kind of signal disruption.
Whatever it is, I dont remember Clif mentioning anything about hologram. If you have the clip send it to me.
Oh boy, this is at the heart of all spiritual inquiries and all esoteric knowledge. I dont think we can find an answer to that so easily. Hopefully one day we will learn. Until then each belief system provides their own interpretation. Like Vedic Karma or Buddhist reincarnation etc.
Refer to your king James Bible
Thank you for your reply. . I don't think Clif has ever said anything about this being a hologram world..Billy Carson is saying it and so did Tom Campbell.
..Billy also thinks the nummo are annanuki ...doesn't gel with what is said of the nummos behaviour against the annanuki invaders and I hope it's not true.
It's just so hard to find the truth of anything ..
Dont let this discourage you. Start with the assumption that we will never ever be able to know the entire truth, but we can look at as much evidence as we can and build a reasonably accurate picture over time as we keep dedicating it to the research. Its a puzzle, a very very big jigsaw puzzle, and we should enjoy the process more than the end result.