1.e4 e5 - 17 September 2020 Gregg Phillips registers OPSEC GROUP, LLC. in Alabama, subcontracts to Catherine Engelbrecht, founder True the Vote, to provide technical and analytic services as required in support of True the Vote 3 November 2020 election integrity initiatives.
2.Nf3 Nc6 - Konnech Inc. initiates new, renews old, and continues to fulfill contracts to provide election administration support services under contract in multiple states in support of municipal, county, state and national election operations for the 3 November 2020 elections.
3.Bc4 Bc5 - In the course of providing services as contracted, 'a third party', conducting election integrity monitoring operations independent of True the Vote and its subcontractor, OPSEC GROUP LLC, obtained from an open and not protected source, data potentially connecting Konnech Inc. directly to highly problematic and potentially illegal manipulation and / or usage of official privileged election related information outside of its contractual obligations and responsibilities. "The third party" contacts Gregg Phillips and brings the information to his attention, providing screen shots of data (no raw data) for evaluation. Gregg Phillips turns the information over to the agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for evaluation and action, and cooperates when requested with the FBI in its evaluation and investigation of the matter. In time Gregg Phillips, and in response to a reversal of FBI evaluation and analysis of the data it had been given, Phillips and Engelbrecht make public, to the extent of their knowledge, the nature and scope of the data they had been shown by the "the third party" and had provided to the FBI.
4.b4 Bxb4 On 12 September 2022 Konnech Inc. files a complaint in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas (Houston Division) claiming defamation, libel and slander. Concurrent with its original complaint, attorneys for Konnech Inc. file a motion for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction with a brief in support of the motion demanding Defendants from accessing or attempting to access Konnech's computers, return all Konnech property and data, from using Konnech's data in any way, to preserve the data in its original state, to identify confidentially disclose anyone involved in accessing Konnech's data and identify anyone who has had access to Konnech's data. 14 September 2022 TRO served Phillips and Engelbrecht. 15 September email exchange Plaintiff and Defendant attorneys regarding TRO and compliance.
5.c3 Ba5 On 15 September 2022 Defendants True the Vote, Gregg Phillips & Catherine Engelbrecht letter delivered to Judge Hoyt and placed under seal.
6.0–0 Qf6 Emails and letters from Plaintiff Konnech Inc. attorney to Defendants' Attorney complaining of sealed letter to judge and charging substantive non compliance with most of the TRO demands.
Sealed letter to the judge...
Door # 1
Door # 2
Door # 3
Readers Digest Version of Documents 16 and 17 in Konnech v True the Vote, Gregg Phillips & Catherine Englebrecht.
21 Sep 2022 Konnech filed Document 16 /
Plaintiff Konnech, Inc. (“Konnech”) requests that this Court order Defendants True the Vote, Inc., Gregg Phillips, and Catherine Engelbrecht (“Defendants”) and their counsel of record to appear and show cause why they should not be held in contempt for violating the Temporary Restraining Order (“TRO”) entered by this Court on September 12, 2022, based on the following grounds:
Since this Court granted the TRO nine days ago, Konnech has endeavored, on an almost daily basis, to obtain Defendants’ voluntary compliance with the TRO. Instead of complying, however, Defendants have treated compliance with the TRO like a game of cat and mouse. Initially, Defendants took a blanket position that any Konnech data was obtained by an “independent contractor” and that they never took Konnech data from a “protected computer” and, therefore, the data they had was not covered by the TRO. However, when Konnech corrected Defendants’ fundamental misunderstanding of the term “protected computer”—which, as defined by the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, simply means a computer connected to the internet—Defendants changed their position to claim that any Konnech data that they obtained was from a “third party” who “was not contracted to us or paid by us,” that the data was “turned over to the FBI,” and that they no longer possess any Konnech data. Defendants’ position stands in stark contrast to their repeated public statements that their “guys” and “analysts” helped them to obtain Konnech’s data, and their repeated threats to publicly disclose it even after they said they turned it over to the FBI.
In any event, Defendants now openly admit that they will not comply with subsections v, vi, or vii of the TRO because they turned over to the FBI what they now say they believe, but do not know, was Konnech’s data, and because it is otherwise a “matter for the FBI.” In so doing, Defendants are refusing to identify to Konnech those people involved in allegedly taking Konnech’s data, how, when and where they took it and who else has the data. Instead, Defendants have filed a letter addressed to this Court under seal which purports to identify a single individual (whose identity was hidden from Konnech and the public) that was involved in taking Konnech’s data, even though Defendants' prior statements clearly indicated that multiple people were involved.
Exhibit A:
15 September 2022 Letter (sternly worded) from Plaintiff's Attorney to Defendants' Attorney demanding satisfactory compliance with TRO.
Exhibit B:
16 September 2022 Letter (more sternly worded from Plaintiff's Attorney to Defendants' Attorney further demanding satisfactory compliance with TRO.
Exhibit C:
17 September 2022 Copy Email Chain (even more sternly worded) from Plaintiff's Attorney to Defendants' Attorney demanding immediate response to satisfactory compliance with TRO.
Exhibit D:
14 September Letter 2022 Letter from Defendants' Attorney to Plaintiff's Attorney in response to an unattached email from the Plaintiff's Attorney that was, for the Defendants, their first information that a TRO had been obtained by the Plaintiff. Defendant's attorney details how his clients will comply to the best of their ability and capacity to the requirements of the TRO.
Exhibit E:
15 Sepember Letter 2022 from Defendant's Attorney to Plaintiff's Attorney which is in response to Plaintiff's Attorney 15 December 2022 Letter (Exhibit A) (sternly worded) from Plaintiff's Attorney to Defendants' Attorney demanding satisfactory compliance with TRO. Defendants' Attorney, using polite legal language, informs the Plaintiff's Attorney of the proper method to go suck eggs.
Link to Document 16
21 September 2022 Konnech filed Document 17 /
Given the irreparable harm that will result from Defendants’ continued failure to comply with the TRO, Konnech has filed a Motion that Defendants appear and show cause why they should not be held in contempt of the TRO (the “Contempt Motion”). In the Contempt Motion, Konnech requests that—without a hearing—the Court enter an order directing that (i) Defendants and their counsel appear before the Court and show why they should not be held in contempt of the TRO; and (ii) the Clerk immediately make public on the Court’s electronic filing system a fully unredacted copy of Defendants’ September 15, 2022 ex parte letter to the Court.
Link to Document 17
Link to Docket / All filings Konnech v True the Vote, Gregg Phillips & Catherine Engelbrecht
(click Blue highlighted 'Download pdf' for best version and printable document if desired / if not Blue document not available on Courtlistener at the current time... white button turns blue sometimes... keep checking)
dotting 👁️s and crossing 📍s...
Company Name: OPSEC GROUP, LLC
File Number: 649-217
Filing State: Alabama (AL)
Filing Status: Active
Filing Date: September 17, 2020
Company Age: 1 Year 8 Months
Registered Agent: Phillips, Gregg A
23104 Hilbun Way
Birmingham, AL 35242
Governing Agency: Alabama Secretary of State
September 17, 2022, during an interview with RSBN during the lead up to the Youngstown Ohio Trump Rally, Mike Lindell announced that the website containing everything about Dennis Montgomery was up on the internet.
[update - link to Operation Checkmate (chess notation for checkmate is #), pink tab that was at top of page has been removed, scroll to bottom of page, click on photo of chess pieces / board for link. Highly recommend at a minimum reading all links in Operation Checkmate and, as much as possible, going down as many rabbit holes as possible because this is a precursor battlefield preparation documention for the WIC in NCSWIC.
This truth, remarking when Gregg Phillips met and "validated" Dennis Montgomery dropped by Gregg Phillips 09/20/2022,
Gregg Phillips / @greggphillips
09/20/2022 17:42:33
TO42898 / (8+9) = 17 (9+8) = 17
09/20/2022 / 0+9+2+0+2+0+2+2 = 17 17:42:33 / 17
Old school message header / footer decoding (just go with the flow on this):
Gregg Phillips / @greggphillips
09/20/2022 17:42:33
TO one-up serial, numbers 4+2 = 6 / 2 from 8 (8-2) = 6 / read as "66 QQ"
Date/time group 4+2 = 6 3+3 = 6 / read as "QQ 66"
Constitutes an encoded message validation verification group. An agent sending messages would be sure he encodes to confirm message is true and he is not operating and sending messages under duress (captured and turned).
An agent sending some false information intended to be intercepted by the enemy and therefore feeding false intelligence into their signals collection operation would send valid verification markers encoded properly into his message. Command would know the information was false by pre-arranged operational plan (any message sent on an odd day of the month, sent on dates ending with a 5, any message sent from 10:00 PM and 02:00 AM on any day).
An agent under duress and enemy control (captured and believed to be turned by the enemy) send an invalid verification encoded properly in his message to alert his handler of capture and forced messaging.
Handler alerts Command - Command has two options - ignore the false message which generally means the captured agent gets a bullet, or using the false intelligence information to mount a false operation (protecting the agent) to make believe that they believe the agent is not sending messages under duress and making the enemy believe that Command believes the agent is operating freely and that the information being sent is genuine. A lot more misinformation and disinformation can be fed into the enemy's intelligence collection operations and effect enemy strategic and tactical plans.
The real cat and mouse game begins when the agent is sent in to be captured and turned as part of a counter counter intelligence operation.
Define 'Trojan Horse Plant'.
How do you insert a Trojan Horse plant?
Can emotions be used to insert a Trojan Horse plant?
Who is Dennis Montgomery?
Trust the plan.
The decoding may be old school, the operation is not. What kind of control over message date time group synchronization do you think it takes to coordinate insertion into the digital messaging stream to create "coincidental" decoding depicted above? Is it inserted at the correct hundreth of a second... or is the packet caputured, harvested, changed, replanted, packet closed and internal message parameters manipulated without any trace to external message parameters detected.
https://youtu.be/fhrNgXJ__n8?t=201 (timestamp)
"Everything is an information operation." - Gregg Phillips
See earlier post for more detail above crumbs about Dennis Montgomey, Mike Lindell, Gregg Phillips:
Dennis Montgomery is the confirmed source of the 32 terabytes of PCAP data (received from Brannon House [frankspeech.com, Howse received the data from Mary Fanning] on 09/February/2021 that Mike Lindell wants to use as evidence in his counter lawsuit of Dominion's defamation case against him. Big complaint from cyber experts at Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium is that they were not provided direct access to raw data and that all of Lindell's vote flip analysis was backed up with screen shots of curated raw data.
"A third party" provided screen shots to Gregg Phillips that is the information Phillips turned over to the FBI. Sound familiar?
Pause rumble video (same as in Nunes retruth and @rumble original truth drop at 00:00 second (very beginning of video)
What do you see with your eyes?
What do you hear with your ears?
What is the combined message of what you see and what you hear?
Original @rumble truth...
Devin Nunes retruth
What do you see with eyes?
https://patriots.win/p/3s6b3nL/covfefe/c/ [sort comments by OLD]
Why is the question not asked?
"Everything is an information operation," either direct or derivative. Getting to the layer of the derivative messaging is the difference between looking out a window and walking through a door.
https://youtu.be/-isWzqjTo-o?t=81 (timestamp)
Been a while seen I saw the covfefe crew check-in thread. What ever happened to Mitch and Gen Julius Klein? I see their comments are now gone...