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dunno, what did he say about Christmas? Unless he acknowledged that it is a celebration of the Winter Solstice from the Old Roman calendar and therefore Pagan and nothing whatsoever to do with Christ then I'm not going to give it any real credit
I don't know, maybe he said that the original point is irrelevant and that how it is practiced now is what matters?
No, I checked. He didn’t say that.
It was a satanic holiday. That need have no bearing on what it is today, nor how it's celebrated today.
Being against Christmas is simply aligning yourself with the people who hate Christians and hate Christ.
Ok thanks, so I can’t give it any credit I’m afraid.
You realize - stolen or not, it's still celebrating the birth of Jesus
Exactly Shalimar.
People get to wrapped up in dates. Who cares what the date is. That is the day WE Christians celebrate Jesus’s birth.
And that it must piss the demons off that we have stolen their holiday and made it about Christ, Peace, Love and Family.
I do it on his actual birthday. Believe it or dont September 11th.
Jesus said “see to it that you’re not deceived” and had plenty of instructions and warning about your relationship to the truth.
And there are plenty of warnings of the Antichrist spirit and in people coming in Jesus name.
Christmas comes in Jesus name but is tricking Christian’s into celebrating a commercialised pagan festival.
I’d rather trust the Bible as a Christian and there is no Christmas in the Bible.
If you permit these kind of retardations of the truth and allow yourself to be guided away from what is true then how much more open will you be to further deception?
Matthew 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Thank you for your comment. Jesus wasn't born in the winter solstice either. The Bible gives details that say otherwise. And please don't get me started on the "Christmas tree"!
They saw a painting that's how they know.
Meanings change over time. It's as simple as that. Christianity adopted a lot of pagan holidays and repurposed them to be Christian in order to help convert the pagans. Which obviously worked.
Meanings change over time.
No, meanings are changed over time. It’s the typical Masonic Kabbalist commie way but you can’t eradicate etymology and the source of things - you can only paper over them.
The papered-over, fabricated meaning is not the meaning, it’s the lie that conceals the truth, which you are free to adopt as your belief if you like. I won’t though.