I agree with most that he says. He uses the very papal phrase "for the common good" that is one of the catholic buzzwords for what is being pushed on us. My question is why has he not denounced catholicism since that is the beast of Revelation? Does he not recognize that or believe God when He says "get out of Babylon"? All the Reformers agreed that catholicism was the beast and to remain a priest in a an evil system is beyond me. For all the catholics out there...I am speaking against a "system" not the people who have grown up in this system. I do not mean to be offensive but at some point people will have to recognize the vatican's role in the endtimes and the book of Revelation. The rabbit hole is VERY deep here.
This is pure faggotry. Do you know what he has gone through to carry the torch? He has been banished from the church and remains in hiding because he is fighting the same battle we are here. You should reconsider your opinion on this matter
Do you seriously believe the Catholic Church hierarchy would put all their eggs in one basket with the likes of Pope Francis and not have a backup plan??
Vigano is clearly the backup plan for when Pope Francis falls.
I like where your heads at, and would be happy to see Vigano swapped out for Francis even if he is controlled or whatever, simply because he espouses a very traditional take on things and that is a message people need to hear on a wider level. So even granting you that he is controlled oppo or whatever, I think that would at the very least be a great improvement over what is going on right now in Rome.
I look at it a bit differently, and my overall viewpoint is that the Catholic Church was the real deal but was infiltrated by they who have systematically waged a covert war upon the church, attacking as impostors and infiltrators who finally staged their coup-de-grace at the Vatican 2 council (1962), where they undid the traditional Latin Mass, instituted globalist and communistic policies, and expelled the traditional conservative priests. They smashed the traditional church altars and replaced them with card tables. They got rid of most of the prayers from mass, replacing them with new-age hippie dippy Jesus prayers. They installed and promoted homosexuals in the church, and allowed them to run rampant and cause massive pain and suffereng. Then, when these stories did come to light, they participated in the blackwashing of the entire church to make it seem endemic instead of isolated. They are taking the church down, but from within.
Not all who remained in the church were corrupt. There are still good men in the Vatican, just like there are good men in our own domestic agencies which appear to be likewise captured by the cabal.
One of those men was Vigano, who stood up to the pope and called him out publicly for supporting Cardinal McCarrick as a homosexual and an enabler of predator priests in the United States (also happened to be a big friend of Obama btw)
When Francis took control of the papacy, Vigano had to go into hiding and has been in exile ever since, living much like I imagine Julian Assange did while on the run.
Now he posts one of the most eloquent, inspiring, and ultimately uplifting messages which touches upon everything Q posted about, and takes it one step further to call for the formation of an alliance around the opposition to these forces based on a return to traditional values and a rejection of globalism.
So to me, and perhaps I'm wrong here and I certainly could be, but to me it seems like he is the real deal.
I agree with most that he says. He uses the very papal phrase "for the common good" that is one of the catholic buzzwords for what is being pushed on us. My question is why has he not denounced catholicism since that is the beast of Revelation? Does he not recognize that or believe God when He says "get out of Babylon"? All the Reformers agreed that catholicism was the beast and to remain a priest in a an evil system is beyond me. For all the catholics out there...I am speaking against a "system" not the people who have grown up in this system. I do not mean to be offensive but at some point people will have to recognize the vatican's role in the endtimes and the book of Revelation. The rabbit hole is VERY deep here.
Vigano is clearly the Vaticans backup if globohomo (or romohomo) falls. As always, it is smart to have people playing both sides.
This is pure faggotry. Do you know what he has gone through to carry the torch? He has been banished from the church and remains in hiding because he is fighting the same battle we are here. You should reconsider your opinion on this matter
Do you seriously believe the Catholic Church hierarchy would put all their eggs in one basket with the likes of Pope Francis and not have a backup plan??
Vigano is clearly the backup plan for when Pope Francis falls.
I like where your heads at, and would be happy to see Vigano swapped out for Francis even if he is controlled or whatever, simply because he espouses a very traditional take on things and that is a message people need to hear on a wider level. So even granting you that he is controlled oppo or whatever, I think that would at the very least be a great improvement over what is going on right now in Rome.
I look at it a bit differently, and my overall viewpoint is that the Catholic Church was the real deal but was infiltrated by they who have systematically waged a covert war upon the church, attacking as impostors and infiltrators who finally staged their coup-de-grace at the Vatican 2 council (1962), where they undid the traditional Latin Mass, instituted globalist and communistic policies, and expelled the traditional conservative priests. They smashed the traditional church altars and replaced them with card tables. They got rid of most of the prayers from mass, replacing them with new-age hippie dippy Jesus prayers. They installed and promoted homosexuals in the church, and allowed them to run rampant and cause massive pain and suffereng. Then, when these stories did come to light, they participated in the blackwashing of the entire church to make it seem endemic instead of isolated. They are taking the church down, but from within.
Not all who remained in the church were corrupt. There are still good men in the Vatican, just like there are good men in our own domestic agencies which appear to be likewise captured by the cabal.
One of those men was Vigano, who stood up to the pope and called him out publicly for supporting Cardinal McCarrick as a homosexual and an enabler of predator priests in the United States (also happened to be a big friend of Obama btw)
When Francis took control of the papacy, Vigano had to go into hiding and has been in exile ever since, living much like I imagine Julian Assange did while on the run.
Now he posts one of the most eloquent, inspiring, and ultimately uplifting messages which touches upon everything Q posted about, and takes it one step further to call for the formation of an alliance around the opposition to these forces based on a return to traditional values and a rejection of globalism.
So to me, and perhaps I'm wrong here and I certainly could be, but to me it seems like he is the real deal.