...This isn’t a Republican vs. Democrat issue, it isn’t even a conservative vs. liberal issue… this is an American vs. un-American issue. Do you wish to be a free American, or will you accept becoming a slave to a massive and all-powerful police state? You are either an advocate for freedom and limited government, or you are an advocate for tyranny. There is no gray area, no middle ground to be found here. This government has slowly amassed powers over the last hundred years that would horrify the Founders of this nation...
WTF? This avatar shows a Q with where we go one we go all. From 2015? Comment # 17. Did one of you do this somehow? Freakin’ weird!!
Aguila1952 says:
March 7, 2015 at 2:50 am
Uh, so a brown man who holds to the same ideals as you do, need not apply? Is ‘white power’ what you are preaching or American patriotism? Just wondering as I’ve read about this NW white camp stuff before.
WTF? This avatar shows a Q with where we go one we go all. From 2015? Comment # 17. Did one of you do this somehow? Freakin’ weird!!
Aguila1952 says: March 7, 2015 at 2:50 am Uh, so a brown man who holds to the same ideals as you do, need not apply? Is ‘white power’ what you are preaching or American patriotism? Just wondering as I’ve read about this NW white camp stuff before.
I'm guessing that they made the post in 2015 but more recently updated their avatar.
They may have updated their avatar but it is still the 17th post. Uncanny. Anyway, the article, or blog post, was a great read.