Some people say you can damage your thyroid by taking too much iodine and taking Lugols internally might do this. But I often do it with no ill effects. maybe 3 drops in a cup of water. I think my body wouldn't freak if I took more.
That was my next question. I think that in the event we are nuked, we will all gladly take our chances. How long have you been taking it, if you don’t mind my asking?
I am taking maybe 3 drops a day right now because I'm painting it on a mouth ulcer.
I don't take it regularly, but I did order it to make sure I am not iodine deficient and took it every day for a couple of months. As well as supporting thyroid function It has the advantage of slowly flushing fluoride from the body and maybe heavy metals too. I'm vegetarian and don't eat any sea products like seaweed so I could be deficient without supplement.
I was thinking along the same lines. I will do that. I have a big extended family. 17😉 kids and grandkids. Thank you for your help!
Some people say you can damage your thyroid by taking too much iodine and taking Lugols internally might do this. But I often do it with no ill effects. maybe 3 drops in a cup of water. I think my body wouldn't freak if I took more.
That was my next question. I think that in the event we are nuked, we will all gladly take our chances. How long have you been taking it, if you don’t mind my asking?
I am taking maybe 3 drops a day right now because I'm painting it on a mouth ulcer.
I don't take it regularly, but I did order it to make sure I am not iodine deficient and took it every day for a couple of months. As well as supporting thyroid function It has the advantage of slowly flushing fluoride from the body and maybe heavy metals too. I'm vegetarian and don't eat any sea products like seaweed so I could be deficient without supplement.
There are interesting websites on taking Lugol's
here is an example:
iodine detoxing fluoride
you can search for iodine and heavy metals and get sites like this:
But do be sensible and listen to your body.
What would I do without you? Seriously! Thank you! I’ll dig into these when I get a minute. My time here is almost up today😊